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Profanity filled Wal-Mart rant......part 3,193

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Chef, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I'm not "letting them off the hook."

    But one poster called the cashier a douchebag for taking a break he was scheduled to take. I think that's a little over the top.

    And seriously, it ain't that big a deal. Line closes? Slide over to the next one. We're talking about a 3-4 minute inconvenience, not a daylong wait at the DMV.

    If every line was manned by a cashier all the time . . . those goods you came to Wal-Mart to buy cheap wouldn't be so cheap. So we make tradeoffs, customer service being one of them.

    Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's almost all small stuff.
  2. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Except I've never been in line at Wal-Mart for a mere 3-4 minutes. Even the express line takes 10+ minutes there, and if you've already been waiting 15 and they close your line and send you to the end of another, well, fuck them. They can restock their fucking groceries.
  3. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Yeah ... that's a fair comparison.

    In SC's instance, the person's break could have been pushed back until they were finished ringing up her items. There aren't "scheduled" breaks at Wally World like you think there are.
  4. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member


    It's not even the standing in line that's the issue, for the most part.

    If someone is already in line with their groceries on the conveyer belt, they should be rung BEFORE the fucking cashier goes on break.

    It's simple, really. Turn your light off, finish ringing up the three or four cashiers in line and tell people not to add to the line.
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Then we live on two different planets. Or I just go at the right time (about 10 a.m.).

    50 percent of the time there is no one in the express line ahead of me. 50 percent of the time there is one person ahead of me.

    Target. Wal-Mart. Same drill at either store.
  6. pressboxer

    pressboxer Active Member

    A Wal-Mart I used to occasionally patronize would often get a big rush right at midnight (last call for beer sales during the week). It just so happened cashiers from the evening shift clocked out at 11 p.m., leaving the checkout lines woefully understaffed by the skeleton crew that worked graveyard.

    I made the mistake of going in one such night when several customers were about ready to riot. One looked at me and, apparently mistaking the newspaper ID around my neck for a Wal-Mart badge, loudly insisted that I open more lanes.

    As I made my way through the store, two other customers asked me where to find various items.

    Dude, I'm not a manager. I'm a sports writer. (I mean, I know I look white trash, but come on!)

    (I have noticed that some newer stores in areas that could be considered closer to civilization have installed self-serve checkout stands, but I don't know if you can pay for booze at them nor if they are shut down late at night.)
  7. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Sadly, they are shut down at night. You COULD open the four lanes, but you'd still need a cashier to supervise and we can't have that.
  8. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    One of my sisters is fat, retarded and goes to Wal-Mart, Chef. I want an apology now.
  9. I'm sorry.
  10. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    You're not Chef. (Not like that's news to you and your 10 healthy toes.)
  11. Oh, you meant an apology from him.

    Sorry 'bout that.

    Oops, did it again. Sorry.

  12. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Without reading this entire thread, I have but one question:

    Why do you people go to Wal-Mart at all?
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