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Professional Readings (New Feature)

Discussion in 'Writers' Workshop' started by jgmacg, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

  2. funky_mountain

    funky_mountain Active Member

    'saddlebags' by shelby strother. it's a collection of his columns and stories.
    it's hard to find a new copy but you can buy an used copy from amazon for the bargain price of 1.80 plus s/h.
  3. Sir jg,

    I've heeded your advice - belatedly - and have begun attempting to deconstruct the work of the writers I admire. I love George Will. But I just cannot pinpoint what it is, what he does, that makes his punditry consistently seem so...level-headed, learned, and different from what anyone else does.

    I've pasted a column - a random, rather unexceptional one - below. Would any of you care to go through it with me?

    (One observation, first: one of Will's most common tactics, I've noticed, is the fact-fact-fact-OPINION paragraph. In other words, he often refuses to opine, refuses to reveal what he thinks about the facts he is stating, until the very end of the paragraph. [See the "Founded in 1852" paragraph below.] By doing so, he appears to: a) build momentum. By frequently making the last sentence of each paragraph the most interesting of all, he propels his pieces forward. b) creates an air of trustworthiness; the reader feels as though he can rely on the information Will provides before his punch lines.)

    Other thoughts?

    Forfeited Glory

    By George F. Will
    Sunday, July 15, 2007; Page B07

    During the campus convulsions of the late 1960s, when rebellion against any authority was considered obedience to every virtue, the film "To Die in Madrid," a documentary about the Spanish Civil War, was shown at a small liberal arts college famous for, and vain about, its dedication to all things progressive. When the film's narrator intoned, "The rebels advanced on Madrid," the students, who adored rebels and were innocent of information, cheered. Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, had been so busy turning undergraduates into vessels of liberalism and apostles of social improvement that it had not found time for the tiresome task of teaching them tedious facts, such as that the rebels in Spain were Franco's fascists.

    That illustrates why it is heartening that Antioch will close after the 2007-08 academic year. Its board of trustees says the decision is to "suspend operations," and it talks dottily about reviving the institution in 2012. There is, however, a minuscule market for what Antioch sells for a tuition, room and board of $35,221 -- repressive liberalism unleavened by learning.

    Founded in 1852 -- its first president was Horace Mann -- Antioch was, for a while, admirable. One of the first colleges to enroll women and blacks, it was a destination for escaped slaves. Its alumni include Stephen Jay Gould, Coretta Scott King and Rod Serling, whose "Twilight Zone" never imagined anything weirder than what Antioch became when its liberalism curdled.

    In 1972-73, Antioch had 2,470 students. In 1973, a protracted and embittering student and employee strike left the campus physically decrepit and intellectually toxic. By 1985, enrollment was down 80 percent. This fall there may be 300 students served by a faculty of 40.

    In 1993, Antioch became an international punch line when it wrote rules to ensure that all sexual conduct would be consensual, step by minute step: "If the level of sexual intimacy increases during an interaction . . . the people involved need to express their clear verbal consent before moving to that new level." Does consent to a touch cover a caress? Is there consent regarding all the buttons?

    Although laughable, Antioch was not funny. Former public radio correspondent Michael Goldfarb matriculated at what he calls the "sociological petri dish" in 1968. In his first week, he twice had guns drawn on him, once "in fun" and once by a couple of drunken ex-cons "whom one of my classmates, in the interest of breaking down class barriers, had invited to live with her." A true Antiochian still, Goldfarb says: "I do think I was made stronger for having to deal with these experiences."

    Steven Lawry -- Antioch's fifth president in 13 years -- came to the college 18 months ago. He told Scott Carlson of the Chronicle of Higher Education about a student who left after being assaulted because he wore Nike shoes, symbols of globalization. Another left because, she told Lawry, the political climate was suffocating: "They all think they are so different, but they are just a bunch of conformists."

    Carlson reports that Lawry stopped the student newspaper's practice of printing "announcements containing anonymous, menacing threats against other students for their political views." Antioch likes to dabble in menace: It invited Mumia Abu-Jamal to deliver its 2000 commencement speech, which he recorded on death row in a Pennsylvania prison, where he lives because 26 years ago he shot a Philadelphia police officer first in the back, then three times in the face. Antioch's invitation was its way of saying . . . what?

    In an essay in the Chronicle, Cary Nelson, Antioch Class of 1967 and now a professor of English at the University of Illinois, waxes nostalgic about the fun he had spending, as Antioch students did, much time away from campus, receiving academic credits. What Nelson calls "my employee resistance to injustice" got him "released from almost every job I had until I became a faculty member." But "my little expenditure was never noticed" when "I used some of Lyndon Johnson's anti-poverty money" to bus Vietnam war protesters from Harlem to Washington.

    Given that such was Antioch's idea of "work experience" in the "real world," it is unsurprising that the college never produced an alumni cohort capable of enlarging the college's risible $36 million endowment. Besides, the college seems always to have considered raising money beneath its dignity, given its nobility.

    "Ben and Jerry could have named a new flavor for us," John Feinberg, Class of 1970 and president of the alumni board, says with a melancholy sense of unfulfilled destiny. His lament for a forfeited glory is a suitable epitaph for Antioch.
  4. (And, of course, he is a brilliantly creative turner-of-phrases. "Repressive liberalism unleavened by learning"...that is not bad.)
  5. silentbob

    silentbob Member

    I never read Tracy Kidder's name much on these boards, but he's a master of nonfiction narrative. "House" is one of the best books I've read, a simple tale about a couple that wants to build their dream house. And yet the dialogue and conflict Kidder captured is pretty amazing.

    "School Children" -- a year spent in an elementary school classroom -- is also good. I believe Kidder won the Pulitzer for "The Soul of a New Machine" but I haven't gotten to it yet, eventhough it's been on my shelf for years. Am I the only one who has a waiting list of books to read that passes 20?

    Also, I just came upon this book --


    -- which is based on those who have lectured at the Nieman Narrative conference at Harvard. For those who havent attended this conference, I highly recommend it -- it's the best writing conference out there.

    But as an above poster pointed out, if you don't have The Gay Talese Reader, that is where you need to start.
  6. Donegan17

    Donegan17 New Member

    The Best American Sports Writing of the Century, edited by Halberstam, is a must-read. It's like a big golden bible of fantastic sports writing, both deadline and feature pieces and can be had for pretty cheap. There are some big omissions, but it's an invaluable resource. I never fly without it.


    I'm sure most of us have read nearly all the articles in it by now, but having it all in one place is amazing.

    I recommend all the Best American Sports Writing books. Some years are better than others, but you can't go wrong with Stout's series.
  7. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member

    Sirs, Madames,

    I just finished James Woods's How Fiction Works. It's not an easy read and I've had to search for my uncracked-since-college copies of Sentimental Education and Crime and Punishment, two of myriad novels he refers to several times. It's pretty prescriptive, maybe overly so. Still, it forces you to assess and re-assess how you assemble your non-fiction.

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