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Professional wrestling thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Rusty Shackleford, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Printdust, how long have you been watching WWE? Taker does have great mic skills, but obviously doesn't get a chance to utilize them because of his character. BTW, very good match between HBK and Kennedy...Kennedy. And he goes over clean! :eek:
  2. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    That was a great match, but i think the best is coming with Trips vs. Flair
  3. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Getting ready to watch on the Left Coast in about half an hour -- Now that this thread is back on the first page, I just wanted to say something:

    I got Chris Jericho's book for Christmas, and finished it yesterday. I think it was mentioned earlier on this thread, but if you've ever enjoyed a wrestling book before and haven't gotten this one yet, get it and read it as soon as possible. It is outstanding.

    The best part was reading through his time at WCW and seeing how he made the best of a lousy situation there. His talking about the feud with Dean Malenko (which Jericho kept alive and thriving through Malenko's month-long vacation) and climactic match is great storytelling. Hope the sequel is just as good.
  4. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Taker does have great mic skills, but obviously doesn't get a chance to utilize them because of his character. So tell me then: Without a chance to utilize them, how do you know he has great mic skills?
  5. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Edge and Batista both have him beat on personality.
  6. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    I'm about halfway through Jericho's book and have to force myself to put it down.

    Every bit as good as "Have A Nice Day!" and more funny. He has me in stitches.

    Best. Wrestling. Book. Ever.
  7. SlickWillie71

    SlickWillie71 Member

    'Taker's mic skills are grossly underrated. He has one of the best lines of all time when he told The Rock "I've crippled more people than polio."

    Came in from partying and watched the Tivo'ed edition of Raw. Nothing says Happy New Year better than Mickie James, Melina and Beth Phoenix (nice legs, indeed) in a three-way. Very good show, especially the HBK-Kennedy (Kennedy!) match.
  8. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Nobody has any thoughts on the Flair-HHH match? I thought it was great, at least until the ending. Some surprising moves (Flair's suplexes and actually getting a move in off the top rope) and genuine suspense. If they wanted to end the angle early, a solid New Year's Eve match against HHH in North Carolina wouldn't be a bad spot. Plus, Flair locking in the figure four around the 10:05 mark made it seem like he might get the tap-out. And with HHH's history, you never know if he just might be the guy to end this thing.
    Just wish it would've ended clean.
  9. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    The trips/flair match last nite was fucking great. I kept expecting someone from Ric's past, say Steamboat or Arn or Barry Windham or Sting, to come to the ring and do something.
  10. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    So did Flair win? And how did it end exactly? My DVR stopped and so I didn't get to see the finish. (Someday, I will learn to DVR whatever follows wrestling, to make sure I never miss out.)
  11. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Oz, Triple H pedrigeed Flair but was slow on the cover because his knee was still "hurt" from the earlier figure-four. He finally crawled over and covered Flair, but by that time Regal had come down the ramp, pulled Flair under the ropes and hit him with the brass knuckles he was supposed to use on Hornswoggle in the previous match. That gave Flair the win by DQ, and apparently knocked HHH out of the Rumble.

    My guess is this could go two ways with Regal: He'll say he tried to prove his loyalty by screwing HHH out of the Rumble, or he hit Flair to give him the DQ win and prolong his career and then maybe pull rank and say as commissioner he can rule that HHH will in fact be in the rumble, defying McMahon and turning face.

    Ah, who knows?
  12. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update, mpcincal, I needed that. I was thinking they might have Flair win clean, leaving HHH to stew about missing the Royal Rumble and leading to a match with Flair at Wrestlemania. Now I'm not sure which way they spin it next.
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