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Professional wrestling thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Rusty Shackleford, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    The whole VKM thing could be really funny, but something tells me Russo is going to fuck it up.
  2. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    Tonight's VKM lines were pretty good. I liked the "Vince, come out with your pants UP" line and the fact they were camping out under a Spongebob blanket made me chuckle.
  3. Yeah, that was pretty bad. But what happened to the two hour show? Was that only a one-time deal. Surely, if they would have had two hours it would have been a better show. That interview with A.J. Styles had me cringing. Terrible.
  4. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    The two-hour show was a one-time deal to promote the move to primetime. Still, with the rating they got (which believe it or not, is really good for Spike TV) I think it's only a matter of time until they get the two-hours full-time.

    But something tells me that Russo, instead of stretching out what he's got now (where he's fitting two hours into one hour) would just try to cram more in (like four hours into two).

    He's just awful. He already destroyed my favorite company (I loved WCW), and now he's going to destroy my new favorite.
  5. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    I saw this on wrestlingobserver.com earlier today.

    TNA cameras come to WWE house show

    A TNA camera crew featuring B.G. & Kip James, as well as Vince Russo and Jeremy Borash, showed up at the WWE Raw show tonight in Knoxville.

    They filmed outside the arena. Some of those involved bought tickets and went into the building and played it up. HHH even acknowledged them at ringside similar to how he treated Kanyon when Kanyon tried to shoot his own angle.

    Believe it or not, I think this is pretty damn funny. I wonder how much of it the WWE will let TNA show?
  6. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    December to Dismember (Yourself if You Bought This Piece of Shit PPV) is over. Here's Meltzer's quickie take:

    Stevie Richards b Rene Dupree in the dark match

    MNM vs. Hardys are opening the show. Maybe they can do a two hour draw. They actually went more than 22 minutes with Jeff pinning Nitro after doing a swanton on both guys at the same time. Some good moves. Crowd went from being into it to losing interest at different times because it went long and some spots didn't get over. Good near falls throughout. All four worked very hard. Good opener.

    Matt Striker vs. Balls Mahoney is next. It's an unextreme rules match, no foul language, no top rope moves, no hair pulling, no eye gouging. Mahoney won clean with a spinebuster. Aside from "Balls" chants for punches, crowd was pretty dead for this. Bad.

    Backstage, Sabu has been injured with medics everywhere. He's not responsive. I guess they needed him out of the elimination chamber match. I wonder who gets the call.

    Fans are really pissed because they figured out Sabu is out of the main event.

    Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay vs. FBI is next. Burke pinned Mamaluke with the stroke. Terkay then gave Guido the muscle buster. One guy chanted "TNA" while this was going on. Crowd was dead but they did well for a squash match.

    Sabu is leaving in an ambulance. RVD and Punk seemed concerned.

    Daivari vs. Tommy Dreamer is next. Daivari won with a schoolboy using the trunks. Khali had been booted out early for interfering. After the match, Khali tree slammed Dreamer on the entrance ramp. Yes, they have a Raw style set. This match had no heat and was really bad.

    Bob Holly was added to the main event in place of Sabu.

    Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly vs. Kevin Thorn & Ariel is next. Knox refused to tag Kelly and walked out. Ariel pinned Kelly with a leg trip. Beyond awful.

    Sandman is now out. He caned Thorn to death in the ring and then chased him to the back. Crowd popped big for Sandman, which is really the only thing to get a big pop all night.

    Michael Cole is plugging Armageddon.

    I guess the Elimination Chamber has to go close to an hour.

    Paul Heyman is out for a promo first. Maybe that could go 20 minutes. He was wearing a white shirt and white tie under a black suit. I swear, he should have played the penguin in the Batman movie.

    He said when Hogan dies, Hulkamania dies. When Flair dies, nobody will yell "Whooo." But there will still be an ECW when he dies. I hope not, because that would mean he's got a terminal illness.

    Oh Dear God. I just got a call. On the local NBC affiliate sports news plugging Friday night's show, Puder was on. He cut a promo on Kurt Angle. He said Kurt Angle was the classic All-American, two-time NCAA champion, Olympic gold medalist and then he married the girl next store. But what they don't tell you is he lived next door to a strip club. Actually I heard Jamie Dundee cut that exact promo in 1998 and it was hilarious then.

    RVD vs. Bob Holly is starting out. Punk with a chair and Test with a crowbar have entered. RVD pinned Punk with a frog splash. Test pinned Holly with a high kick. Test then pinned RVD with an elbow drop off the top of one of the chamber's onto a chair on RVD. So it's going to be Lashley vs. Show & Test at the finish. Crowd wasn't happy about Punk and RVD going out so early. There was a loud "TNA" chant after RVD was out. Lashley is supposed to be in but Heyman's security attacked attacked the gate keeper. Lashley did climb out after about a minute. Definitely some boos for Lashley and "boring" chants. People are rejecting this. Lashley pinned Test after a spear.

    So it's Lashley vs. Show. Lashley pinned Show with a spear to take the title. Crowd was with him at the finish. Not an overwhelming pop but no booing. Wow, show ended 30 minutes early. Must be a record.
  7. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    A tale of 7 days for CM Punk.

    Last week, an arena full of fans at Survivor Series chants his name over and over, showing him even more love than The Hardys and DX.
    This week? He's buried in the main event.
    Wow. Gee, I wonder if Triple H(emmorhoid) got a little insecure and had Vince and the wife bury the young, up-and-coming Punk. Nahhhhh, that'd never happen.
  8. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Hey, what happened to Flair? I ask this as someone who hadn't watched wrestling on TV in years. I was flipping around late Saturday night and Flair was in the ring with a microphone, doing one of those monologues.

    Before he started speaking, I honestly didn't recognize him. His hair is different -- thinner, and now wrestler blonde instead of white. But something else was different, too. Did he have a face lift or something?

    He looked like a slightly younger Freddie Blassie.
  9. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    Flair is still around and has been wrestling on WWE Raw for several years now.

    They just did an angle where he was beaten up and bloodied by a couple of up-and-comers to allow him some time off.
  10. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    I understand that. I'm trying to account for the radical change in his appearance since the last time I saw him.
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I don't know of any cosmetic surgery, outside of maybe some new blading scars on his forehead. But then I've watched him nonstop since 1984, and the only time I could point to a radical change was when he cut his hair short.

    Apparently he's about to undergo a seriously brutal divorce hearing in Charlotte, thus his departure from WWE storylines.
  12. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    I saw some breaking news from one of the wrestling websites: Paul Heyman was escorted from the premises before RAW tonight and is apparently gone from the company. The parting was probably inevitable, but I wonder if this speeds up ECW's downward spiral.
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