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Quit smoking support group

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by MU_was_not_so_hard, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100 percent and I'm a former smoker. If you don't smoke and, obviously if you don't you hate it, you shouldn't have to breathe that shit in especially with all the reports on how harmful second-hand smoke is. And the second part, people are morons. What can you do?
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Wow, scary. melock and I agree on something.
  3. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    I hear you on that one. I went outside and made sure the atmosphere wasn't on fire.
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    tick tock. i jump on board on wednesday or thursday. haven't etched it in stone, but i know it'll be one of those two days.

    pack a day for nearly a coupla decades. quit once, last year, for five months.
  5. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Good luck, Tom.

    I have to say that I feel pretty damned great right now. I tried to check my e-mail at 5:30 a.m. when my wife left, and I discovered that my Mac can't find the hard drive, which means I'll need to hunt down a copy of Disk Warrior. I lost a few hours of sleep over this.

    Still, I feel exceptional. A little sleepy, but exceptional. I have actually been doing some damned work for once. I sent some queries and got a few okays and a big three-week project. If I were still smoking, I would have spent all that time on the couch wishing that I had the energy to stand.
  6. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    Good for you Heineken. It gets easier the longer you go. Keep it up.
  7. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    The first few weeks off cigarettes did not exactly improve my demeanor. Hopefully someone'll keep Tom away from the keyboard for a while.
  8. boots

    boots New Member

    The problem I see it is that people who aren't smokers are infringing their rights on those who do smoke. If I'm walking down the street with a cig, I don't want some fucker telling me to put it out. That's not his call. I think there's a lot more things in the air that should concern him or her than my taking a puff. That's my take.
  9. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    I'm going to be gradually jumping on board with this. I've only smoked three total today which is impressive considering it's been fairly stressful. I'm going to start only giving myself a half a pack per day (smoking one per day right now) so that I start going longer between cigarettes.

    I have tried quitting cold turkey and everytime something stresses me out and I jump right back into smoking again. Being around smoking constantly doesn't help my quitting efforts either. This time, though, I'm going to gradually step out of it. After a couple of weeks at only a half pack per day, I'll go to a quarter pack per day and so on and so forth until I'm just not smoking at all.

    I applaud all of you who have done this cold turkey. I've done it cold turkey before, but it never stuck. Maybe this time, it will.
  10. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    That's a tough way to try and quit spup, I tried it and soon it became too easy to have a cigarette after midnight and claim that counted toward the next day, but then when I'd wake up I'd say to myself that was bullshit and claim it went on the last day.
    I would really suggest using a quit smoking aid over the attempted weening method.
  11. boots

    boots New Member

    Hang in there. I'm smoking butt of off brand cigs. My sister gave me some of hers and it's a good remedy.
  12. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    Since I'm used to my waking hours being noon until 3 a.m., I know I won't claim things on the next day.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't take the rest of this as an insult. I promise it's not intended that way.

    I've always had to have a level of control over myself. I'm not controlling around others normally, but I'm REALLY controlling over myself. I quit smoking for two years of college. The weening thing off will only be especially easy for me right now because I'm battling one hell of a chest cold. If I can knock myself down to two or three a day for the next week while this thing runs it's course, I'll be so much better off. I just know that my body can't handle cold turkey and I will NEVER use a quit smoking aid other than support groups. I just refuse to tell myself that I'm addicted and need an aid. That's probably more of a slight against myself than it would be against you.
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