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Random Thoughts, the Sequel

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny Dangerously, Feb 28, 2007.

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  1. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I love knocking out pages before deadlines when I'm alone on desk on Sunday night. Allows me to create the sports pages and set up the budget, saving me 30 minutes the next day.
  2. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    1. My paper is sending me to Austin for a week tomorrow to cover golf, tennis and track. A lot of partying is about to commence in the best party town in the nation. Hopefully, UTShooter actually shows.
    2. No tornados here. The watch is supposed to expire in 1 hour, 12 minutes, and there are no thunderstorms anywhere near us.
    Good times all around.
  3. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    I just googled sportsjournalists.com. A ton of pages come up, and they're not all about Michael Gee or Jason Whitlock.
  4. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Any about me?
  5. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Good idea. I just did the same and I wonder if this douchebag posts here?

  6. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    I saw that one. I read it to Doc. He thought it was pretty funny.
  7. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    Quite a few stories (I assume the same story put in several papers) written about the debate regarding the sports journalist who changed religions. I wonder if that article is what made us break records that day, not just the thread.
  8. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    This made me wonder: what if, God forbid, we were to lose a board member? Would anyone know? Would we out that person posthumously in memoriam? Or would someone just quit posting, leaving us all to wonder?

    On that morbid note, I need sleep. But not the permanent kind.
  9. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Wow, I never knew Mark Cuban knew about our site.


    Last line of the blog mentions the site.
  10. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    Yes. I meant genders. My brain is tired tonight.
  11. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    That dude keeps up with everything.

    Which is partly why he's so accessible to the media. He's always online, just like us. Only ... you know ... with a billion dollars in the bank.
  12. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    Clearly, what the profession needs is more writers with the balls to produce one-sentence paragraphs. One-sentence grafs: the key to top-notch writing.
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