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Righties, I know, I know. In war, soldiers die.

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hockeybeat, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest



    Main article: Iraq Study Group Report

    Although the final report was not released until December 6, media reports ahead of that date described some possible recommendations by the panel. Among them were the beginning of a phased withdrawal of US combat forces from Iraq and direct US dialogue with Syria and Iran over Iraq and the Middle East. The Iraq Study Group also found that the Pentagon has underreported significantly the extent of the violence in Iraq and that officials have obtained little information regarding the source of these attacks. The group further described the situation in Afghanistan as so disastrous that they may need to divert troops from Iraq in order to help stabilize the country. After these reports began surfacing, co-chair James Baker warned that the group should not be expected to produce a "magic bullet" to resolve the Iraqi conflict.[11]

    According to a report in late November, the Iraq Study Group had "strongly urged" a large pull back of American troops in Iraq. The final report was released December 6, 2006, included 79 recommendations, and was 160 pages in length.

  2. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    Don't bother yourself reading the thread your posting on.

    STill waiting for a way out of Iraq from the GOP/neocons/righties

    chirp, chirp - them crickets sure are tired.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Alley, since your reading comprehension apparently isn't above third-grade level, let me repeat, as I said in the previous post, that I wasn't here in 2003 and made no claims about what what posted here in 2003. As I said, I do recall on the political forums I was on back then that there was no shortage of liberals saying our guys would be routed by Saddam's guys because they haven't been trained in the street warfare they were likely to encounter. Sorry if I didn't make all the words short enough for you to understand.
  4. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Must've missed that.

    So, within six months, you want to pull 50 percent of the troops?

    That doesn't sound very feasible.

    And, Lamar, I don't get into the petty-ass pissing contests, so don't try.
  5. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    We were told more than 2 years ago that Iraq had 300,000 trained military and police personnel. Well, if that's true why are we sending MORE troops?

    If it was false, why would we trust this administration and put MORE troops in harm's way?

    I'd just like to know what the plan is to get us out of Iraq. Is that too much to ask after 3,000 deaths, $400 billion and four years?

    I offered a plan. You're welcome to criticize it. My plan demands action from Iraqi leaders. They will know they must move forward, force compromise between the three religious factions and they will know we will not allow more of our men and women to die when they aren't dedicated to taking control of their country.

    But, not offering a plan is a strategy - one that has resulted in us losing ground in the War of Terror.
  6. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    In 2003 I posted two thoughts on the U.S. military vs. Saddam's Republican Guard.

    "It'll be Warren Sapp vs. Calista Flockhart."

    "It'll be over before dinnertime."

    I was a few days off with the second prediction.

    And the number of U.S. deaths would have been very low had we done anything right other than toppling Saddam --- such as sending 400,000 troops at the beginning and not sending tens of thousands of Iraqi military to the unemployment line.
  7. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    I find it disturbing that after 4 years, a trillion words of how anti-war equals anti-Americanism and the loss of treasure and lives that no one from the administration down to the fair and balanced crowd can give the American people a clear plan for victory.

    Yes, every six months we get "A new way forward in Iraq," The last throes, elections will equal peace, stability in the Middle East through war but what is the plan to get out? What is the plan for peace in Iraq? What is the plan to bring our soldiers home?

    Am I wrong to ask these questions?
  8. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Why do the some of the same people who insist that RBI is both singular and plural always use an 's' at the end of 'WMDs'?

    Am I wrong to ask this question?
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