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RIP Antonin Scalia

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Steak Snabler, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    In other words, only cite the sources Baron agrees with.
  2. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    If the information is so credible, wouldn't every source be citing it?

    Sorry if I take a report written in the New York Post by a writer from the Hoover Institute with just a grain of salt.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  3. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I am sure you apply the same skepticism to Media Matters and the Daily Kos, too.
    old_tony likes this.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Sure, but they don't claim to be "fair and balanced."
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Maybe not. But they don't preface their stuff with "This is bullshit, but it's funny anyway.''

    They are attempting to present things as fact that may not be fact or may be highly misleading. It's not right, unless they want to start branding themselves like The Onion.
  6. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    Because I'm too lazy to look it up ... are any abortion-related cases on the Supremes' docket this year?

    That's the one reason, the only reason, this nomination is political TNT. As we've mentioned countless times, abortion is the only issue that matters to many, many voters.
  7. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I'd suggest those voters have no lives, then.

    I have a heck of a lot more control over whether I have a child --- with or without abortion in the mix --- than I do the state of the economy, which is something really important.
  8. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    You're also not a woman.
  9. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Point still stands. If that is the "only" issue that matters to someone (i.e. you will disregard the candidate's stance on anything else as long as he/she is in lockstep with your views on abortion), that person has problems. Especially in a world that has survived 43 years of Roe vs. Wade, half of those with a GOP President and all of them with a right-leaning court.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Who are you to decide what issues a voter may or may not place as their highest priority?
    SpeedTchr likes this.
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

  12. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    If someone tells me, "I'm gonna vote for the handsomest candidate," I have no problem saying, "That's your prerogative. You're an idiot."

    And neither would you or anyone else.
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