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Roe v. Wade to be overturned?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by outofplace, May 3, 2022.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Something tells me the wives/ex-wives likely used contraception more than 50% of the time, with those being (for a time, anyway) the majority of his encounters.

    So we're probably getting into non-linear equations here. You don't want that.
  2. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    "Fidelity" is a good story, poignant and well made and does a lot of what Berry does best.

    Interesting to me that by the time it was published in '92, many of the medical/ethical/autonomy problems it described were pretty well on their way to being written into medical law and hospital rulebooks. DNRs and durable powers of attorney and living wills were becoming part of admissions procedure by then. Advancements in our technology required advancements in our morality and I suppose some of that tension is what inspired Berry to write it.

    The story is set, as near as I can tell from Burley Coulter's age, in 1977 - before Terri Schiavo, but after the arguments over Karen Ann Quinlan began.
  3. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Of course I don't give a fuck myself whether Fatfuck has ordered one or 10 or 10,000 abortions, but it is fun to bring this topic up to hardcore MAGGATs, particularly Shiite Right to Lifer Catholics who have jumped upon his fatass bandwagon because they believe they are "saving the baybeez."
    And then watch them turn all sorts of different colors when they realize you can fuck with this formula all you want, but bottom line is Fatfuck has been fucking a lot of women for a long long time, and no matter what you do with those numbers, you usually come up with some very high final figures. Their heaven sent god emperor killed hundreds of his own sweet baybeez.* Prayse Da Lawd.

    * -- "And probably a good number of his grandchildren too." I always make sure to throw that in at the end as well.
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