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Roe v. Wade to be overturned?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by outofplace, May 3, 2022.

  1. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I'm not a dude, and there's nothing that I've posted that isn't perfectly understandable. I'd be very surprised if more people, frankly, don't agree with me, and are just not saying so.

    There are gray areas in any argument or discussion, and that's usually where I land, including in this instance. I've explained that, as well as in what ways, multiple times. And it's probably where most people land, if they're honest about this issue.

    Now, if I sound like, yeah, I'd like a woman to sound like she gave a thought to, and gave a shit about, having her abortion(s), well, I don't see any reason to apologize for that. In fact, I don't see any reason why anybody would think I should do so, either.
    Batman likes this.
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

  3. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm sorry I didn't cover every single word or eventuality. They were irresponsible. And I thought it, too. I just didn't bother to include yet another aspect of this already complicated issue, because, let's face it, they're not the ones who have to then get an abortion -- you know, because they want, and gotta have sexual relations, but don't want, or gotta use, contraceptives, or have a kid/be responsible for one (or more).
  4. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Thank you.
    Batman likes this.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that last bit is utter bullshit.
    Mngwa likes this.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That's because they want to justify the fundamental disrespect for women by making her the face of the movement. It isn't the first time Write has spoken up in favor of people who disrespect women on this board and it won't be the last, which is even worse given that she is one.
    OscarMadison and Mngwa like this.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Wait. Women have babies they don't want and raise them out of laziness? That's your argument here?
  8. Brian J Walter

    Brian J Walter Well-Known Member

    The fact that you and so many other women simply gloss over, if not ignore or forget, that men are involved in this process makes it very easy for other men (and some women) to legislate.
    Dyno and Mngwa like this.
  9. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    I hesitate to get involved in this latest debate, but …

    Just look how much judgment is being doled out here, on women none of us know, regarding their choice to have an abortion.

    Now imagine the amount of judgment and condemnation that happens to women in real life when they make that decision.

    I am 99.9% certain women do not take the decision lightly.
  10. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Ok sorry about the dude. I call most people that and didn’t mean anything by it.

    But as for your comment, I get not liking the woman’s casual remark about abortion, but to suggest as a punishment for the attitude she must be forced to carry the child to term and raise a child, again as punishment, isn’t a good look. Not sure that’s what you meant but it came across that way and it’s a little off especially when judging a complex decision based on a tweet written in reaction to a decision that will mean scary things toward women.

    Then the comment I was responding to first suggests that women can’t have sex and the consequences be damned in a world where we tell men the exact opposite. There’s a billion-dollar industry that makes sure men can have all the sex they can possibly get. On top of it, you suggest women decide to keep a baby just for the hell of it. And you throw that out there to suggest women who have an unplanned pregnancy skip adoption because what the fuck, I think I’ll raise it. Why not.

    I don’t think that’s what you mean, but it’s coming across that way. I might reconsider the blame the woman for liking sex and inferring attitudes.
  11. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    “A woman who has a baby, and doesn’t want it, doesn’t have to raise it.” You’re wrong here. A MAN who fathers a child, and doesn’t want it, doesn’t have to raise it.

    A woman who has a baby, and doesn’t want it, still has to go through nine months of pregnancy, with all the peril that brings. She has to watch her body change. She has to take time off work for prenatal care. She has to buy new clothes. She has to deal with unwanted questions and stares and the social stigma of having gotten pregnant outside of marriage. THEN she has to go through childbirth — I’ve seen childbirth three times, and it was traumatic for ME, and it was traumatic for my then-wife, who wanted those babies more than she ever wanted anything in the world — and this hypothetical woman’s reward for going through the trauma of childbirth is giving up that baby, which likely goes against every biological instinct she has at that moment. I truly cannot imagine a scenario more gut-wrenching.

    So, @WriteThinking , you are objectively wrong. A man can walk away from an unwanted pregnancy scot-free. A woman cannot.

    Let me throw out another scenario to you.

    My youngest daughter, 21, has a rare genetic disorder. Chances are way better than 50 percent that she would pass it on to her child. She made a decision that she will not bear children, because of that. Her decision, and I respect it 1,000,000 percent. And if she came to me and said, “Dad, I’m pregnant and I know I don’t want it,” I’ll drain my savings and fly her to wherever she needs to go to get the healthcare she would need in that moment.

    THAT is why preserving abortion rights is important to me and mine.
  12. Tighthead

    Tighthead Well-Known Member

    I can’t be the only man here who was young and dumb and had a contraceptive mishap.

    The decision wasn’t that hard, the process was. And this was in Canada where it was easy to access, cost nothing and was administered in an office with no protesters.

    We didn’t tell anyone for years. I told some of my closest friends about it 20 years later. It was a very difficult experience for my partner at the time. I felt tremendous guilt for my part in it - for what she had to go through.

    No regrets about the decision, but regret that we had to go through it.
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