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Rolling Stone reunion ...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Claws for Concern, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Yeah, but "Mixed Emotions" was the last great Stones single.
  2. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    Damn, no one from the last 15 years can ask that question! Sad, used to be a great mag, and they had good groups on the cover and good cover stories.

    And Mizzou, the re4ason they are all called masterpieces...drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. That, adn they feel they should call them masterpieces even though it's just noise and her whiny squeal of a voice. If Chapman had just aimed a little left...
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I read somewhere that Wenner is close friends with Jagger and Ono and that's why all of their albums get four or five stars. Usually, the five-star review only shows up once every couple years or so, but they gave it to the Stones last album and Mick's last solo album.
  4. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Maybe they can suck each others dicks with another retrospective magazine. They've only done three this year.
  5. In the spirit of this thread, I give you the late Doctor's assessment of this topic, as best I recall it, from Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail:

    "Nixon said he had a secret plan to end the war. The plan was to end it in time to get himself re-elected in 1972. Four more years."

    I'd go just to see if Ben Fong-Torres survived what they did to him in "Almost Famous."
  6. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    Stars, or male models?
    Toast one for Matt Taibbi. If he can induce conniption out of Dick Cheney, he's doing something right.
  7. Satchel Pooch

    Satchel Pooch Member

    Apparently the Times thinks either the Summer of Love happened in 1977, or we're currently living in 1997.


    Uncorrected for the Web from print:

    FedEx Hopes for the Right Bounce From Golf

    Published: August 22, 2007

    IF you are south of Greenwich Street in Manhattan between noon and 5 p.m. today, look for a weird miniparade: A guy carrying a “quiet” sign followed by a golfer, his caddy and an entourage of nattily dressed “fans.”
    Skip to next paragraph

    Don’t think it’s another bunch of aging hippies commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Summer of Love. The stunt is part of the endgame in a long and expensive campaign by FedEx to drum up frenzy over the FedEx Cup golf playoffs that start at the Westchester Country Club tomorrow.


    That's bad.
  8. Kaylee

    Kaylee Member

    Their production of retrospectives is positively sluggish compared to their production of features like The Top 50 Metal Songs With Umlauts In The Titles or 25 Essential Albums For Taking A Dump.

    With a reunion, I can only imagine. The 100 Greatest Entenmann's Cakes or possibly Top 100 Cheese Cube Arrangements of 2007.
  9. lono

    lono Active Member

    Sounds like a job for JDV and the villa army!
  10. westcoastvol

    westcoastvol Active Member

  11. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    "It is a clear-eyed and inspired Mick Jagger who crafted Goddess in the Doorway, an insuperably strong record that in time may well reveal itself to be a classic. World, meet Mick Jagger, solo artist."

    That's the last line of Wenner's 5 star review of Jagger's solo record. Mick Jagger, meet cutout bin.

    I assume the old-timers will line up for the opportunity to kick Wenner in the nuts. I got the latest issue in the mail - it looked like someone fucked up and sent me a copy of "Advocate for Teens." Some little boy from "High School Musical" taking his shirt off. They must be so proud.
  12. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    You still waste money on that rag? Read Paste, Harp, Mojo or Uncut.
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