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Running 2011 Baseball Thread, Vol. I: Dedicated to spnited

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Gutter, Mar 31, 2011.

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  1. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Why would it matter how much money you're paying a guy as to whether he should be on the playoff roster? If the Giants had looked at it that way, Zito would have been on the mound for Game 4 of the WS instead of Bumgarner and his eight shutout innings. And Zito last year was twice as good as Lackey this year.

    The fact that the Red Sox might not have a better option is something to consider, but the paycheck sure isn't.
  2. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Again, Zito was left off the roster because he was not needed, with four deep starting pitchers.
  3. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Is Lackey needed?

    Then play him.

    Is he not?

    Then don't.

    His salary is a sunk cost.
  4. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I agree, which is why I said the fact that the Red Sox might not have better options is something to consider. But anyone who says "we're paying this guy $16 million, he has to pitch" should be fired immediately.
  5. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    On the what-have-you-done-for-me lately, I'd say Bedard is more likely to be left off the playoff roster than Lackey. I'm not convinced Bedard's 100 percent physically. Your games 3 and 4 look like some combination of Lackey-Bedard-Wakefield-Aceves. Albers may have salvaged a spot after a terrible August, and Doubront is the second lefty the Sox need.
    Tito always likes to go with three catchers in the playoffs (particularly with his top two banged up). Plus Lavernway is a big righty bat. Talk about L-way's two homers, but the play he made on that chopper for the second out in the ninth really saved their asses last night.
    When you get to the playoffs, anything can happen. The moment the Sox set foot in the playoff casino, they're playing with the house's money.
  6. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Epstein is already using starting pitchers who were roughly 7-10 on the preseason depth chart. Fine. It is only money to the Red Sox. But why would you start Lackey on Sunday with the season on the line and then deny him the spot?
  7. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    You've kind of shifted your argument. First, you were saying that Lackey was going to start in the playoffs because he's making $16 million, which myself and some others disagreed with. I think we're in agreement now - The Sox will be starting him because they don't have any other options, outside of pitching Wakefield, Weiland or some sort of pen start (Buchholz, Aceves and some combination of others).
  8. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    I am trying to seek the reasoning for leaving him off the postseason roster.

    The significance of playoff experience is debatable, but he has pitched in plenty of big games.
  9. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    He sucks. That would be the reason to leave him off the postseason roster. If he sucks less than the person who would replace him, then keep him on. It's that simple. He might be one of the top four Red Sox starters, which is an indication of exactly why they went in the tank, but being one of the top four starters is the only reason he should be on the roster. (Much like Zito, Lackey is especially terrible in the first inning, so I don't think shifting him to the bullpen would be all that wise.)
  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    The argument for Lackey in the pen would be that maybe you need a long man, or that maybe his stuff would tick-up in a relief role. (FWIW, Weiland has looked good as a short reliever in a few spots, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Sox convert him next year.) However, Lackey has had decent stuff this entire year, it's been more of an issue of command and control. So I doubt he'd be an option for short relief.

    All this being said, if the Sox do make the postseason, then Lackey is probably your #3 or #4.
  11. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Lackey, terrible as he is, is still a better choice than Wakefield, if only because of the steals and passed balls associated with the latter. They can't really move Aceves out of the bullpen because ALL the starters have sucked in September, including the putative "ace" who goes tonight. If Boston does make the playoffs (still 50-50), then Wakefield can do long relief on those unhappy occasions when the starter can't get past the fourth, as its a match play situation, and conceding a hole (game) is sometimes the only strategy.
  12. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Lackey could be put in a role similiar to David Cone with the Yankees in 2000. By then, Cone was washed up, and they basically just kept him as the long man. But he did come into the Series and got a cruicial out.
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