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Running College Hockey Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by longjumper42, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. zizzer

    zizzer Active Member

    Who gives a rat's ass about the Beanpot? I've never understood why a city-wide hockey tournament gets such major play, especially when everyone and their mother knows who wins the first round games EVERY FREAKING YEAR. It's the same damn thing as Yankees-Red Sox; nobody outside of the east coast gives two shits about those games, contrary to ESPN making them all seem like Game 7 of the World Series.

    My point is, would anyone care about it if it were Quinnipiac, Sacred Heart, Yale and UConn playing in an annual tournament? Not likely....

    The holiday tournaments, now THOSE were some good action. Maine won one down in Florida this year, that featured three teams ranked in the top 12. Dartmouth hosted one that had two ranked teams and two receiving votes (yeah, I know polls are meaningless, but there's some damn good competition - as opposed to the crappy ass Beanpot). Besides, BU, BC & Northeastern are all in Hockey East, meaning they only play each other eleventy billion times during the season anyway - why the hell should some game in early February mean anything more?

    Side note for JR - The Canadian college hockey clubs aren't required to wear full face shields. A player from Clarkson got a DQ high-sticking penalty for getting his stick in some kid's mask last month in an exhibition game, requiring him to sit out their next regular-season game.
  2. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    It's a Boston tradition, going back more than half a century. No matter the status of the teams, there's always the chance for something insane to happen. Usually at least three of the four teams have a decent shot at winning it. And hell, watching BU and BC beat the tar out of each other is almost ALWAYS a good show. It gets college hockey some buzz and excitement just as the season's starting to drag. And it sells out every year. What in the hell more do you want, Zizzer? Red Sox-Yankees is now 10 percent real rivalry, 90 percent ESPN schmaltz. But the Beanpot is still pretty damn pure, and pretty damn fun.

    P.S., At most, BC/BU/NU could only play each other five times in a year, and it's usually only three.
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    And this just in....beloved Notre Dame is ranked #1 in hockey.
  4. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Never thought I'd see that happen in my lifetime.
    Must be all the money they've thrown at new facilities and such..
  5. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    They're showing the freakin' Beanpot up in Canada and I can't get it in the lower 48? WTFFF?

    Not even CSTV, ESPNU, ESPNXII or Versus II is showing this. C'mon people it's one of the great sporting events in this country!
  6. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    I was wondering about college hockey on the tube. I just got Direct TV and would love to see the real NCAA Tournament worth watching in March and April on TV.
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Leafs TV shows about 13 Leafs games so in addition to the countless hours of Rick Vaive droning on an on, they need programming. In this case they pick up the NESN broadcast.

    Leafs TV shows quite a bit of US College hockey. I'm gonna make sure I see the BC/BU final this Monday although I'm not sure why. BU seems to win every year.
  8. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    The Beanpot is my third favorite sporting event/tournament, behind the Stanley Cup Finals and Championship Week/first weekend of the NCAA Tourney.
  9. zizzer

    zizzer Active Member

    I hate to tell you you're wrong, but, you're wrong. This year's Beanpot makes the fourth meeting of the regular season between BU and BC - the potential exists that they could meet in a best-of-three series in the quarterfinals of the Hockey East tourney. Then, the NCAA has no specific policy against teams from the same conference meeting in the NCAAs - they try to avoid it if possible, but it's not against the rules like in men's hoops, so they could potentially meet in the NCAAs as well. So the potential exists that they could meet as many as eight times in a season.

    Fine - if it's a Boston tradition, keep it in Boston. ESPN runs no other college hockey scores during the regular season, but they damn sure run the Beanpot - I'm only asking why? There's not the same level of interest there that there is around the rest of the country.
  10. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Is blue the new sarcasm font?
    If not, have you seen Notre Dame's "rink?"
  11. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Yes. Blue is the sarcasm font.
    And back in the day, yes. yes I have not only seen ND's "rink" but skated there, wrote from there and broadcast from there.
  12. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Maybe, in some parallel universe, it's possible for your scenario to happen. But it's about as likely as Yawn starting a thread supporting gay marriage rights. Three meetings during the regular season, one beanpot game (at best), and then generally one meeting in the HE tourney. If somehow they end up playing each other in the quarters (and this year, I guess that could happen with BC sucking it up), then one of those teams WILL NOT MAKE THE NATIONAL TOURNAMENT. Or at least it's about a 800-1 shot. So at most it's seven, and that's pretty damn unlikely, since both are usually in the top five or so, if not better.

    How is it the Beanpot's fault if ESPN considers it important? Isn't your problem with ESPN? What an odd thing for someone to be pissed off about, anyway. Oh no, there's a real competitive college hockey tournament on TV every year the first two Mondays in February. What an OUTRAGE!!!
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