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Running final season--seasons?--of Scrubs thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hockeybeat, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    Harrison Kelso seems to be a bit of a slut.
  2. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    "I hate your hair."

    "That's impossible. Nobody does."
  3. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    They do such a great job of interweaving storylines into 22 minutes. This episode wasn't as funny as last week's, but it had more heart.
  4. Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    Do you think we'll ever get to meet characters like Enid or Harrison? I heard that all the guest stars are going to be back this season (like Laverne as the nurse in the delivery room).
  5. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    I missed last week's episode. What happened?
  6. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    No, and I think that's for the best. Those characters are figments of our imagination. If they introduced Enid or Harrison, there's going to be a percentage of the population that would be disappointed because the characters weren't what they envisioned.

    Elliott broke up with Keith and JD realized that he doesn't love Kim.
  7. part-timer

    part-timer Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    Colin Hay coming out of Kim singing "Land Down Under" and JD saying "So that's what that song means" was hilarious.
  8. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    I figured Elliot and Keith split. Hence the "Burn in Hell" line.

    Thanks, sir.
  9. wannabeu

    wannabeu Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    A bluncle. That's awesome.
  10. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    My friend told me, "I would be your kid's blaunt," right as I told her I couldn't wait to be a bluncle.
  11. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    I didn't love the first episode, and only thought tonight's was alright.

    So they spent, what, a year and a half building the Keith thing up so they could tear it down in one episode? I know they hinted at it at the end of last season too, but still, it was pretty out of the blue.

    And the whole thing with Kim seems pretty unrealistic, too. Why on earth should she be surprised he doesn't love her? I mean, she'll be lucky if he doesn't put out a hit on her one she pops out his kid. She did just about the shittiest thing she could have ever done. Last season she was all gung-ho about waiting for JD to realize it, but now all of the sudden she insists he love her now?

    I don't know ... obviously it's a TV show, but I don't think anyone in her circumstance should have any say on whether the relationship is on or off for about three more years. It just doesn't feel at all real.

    As for Dr. Cox ... I still like him and all, but not as much as the earlier seasons. There really isn't much he hasn't said at this point. Seems like his character has really jumped the shark, taken another spin around the lake and lined up for it again. The Miller Lite commercials (Which are terrible, btw. Just terrible, and I even like the beer) don't help the situation at all.

    Finally, the short intern is awesome.
  12. KG

    KG Active Member

    Re: Running final season of Scrubs thread.

    I think they could have handled the JD/Kim thing a little better too. Still, I'm going to miss this show.
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