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Running MLB Thread 2007 #1

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Flying Headbutt, Apr 1, 2007.

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  1. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

  2. Dignan

    Dignan Guest

    Dice-K gave up two runs in 7 innings and struck out 10. Yeah, he sucks all right.
  3. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    You're right, that was snarkier than it needed to be.

    However, I think if you look at Dice-K's actual performance thus far:

    Date Opponent Score Dec IP H R ER HR BB K W L SV IP ERA
    Apr 17 @ TOR L 1-2 L 6.0 3 2 2 0 3 10 1 2 0 20.0 2.70
    Apr 11 SEA L 0-3 L 7.0 8 3 3 0 1 4 1 1 0 14.0 2.57
    Apr 5 @ KAN W 4-1 W 7.0 6 1 1 1 1 10 1 0 0 7.0 1.29

    Total 20.0 17 6 6 1 5 24 1 2 0 0 2.70

    I think the Sawx management probably can't stop blowing each other.

    I mean, for all the talk of the risk they're taking on Dice-K -- and they spent plenty of money, don't get me wrong -- it's not like they're the Giants, who spent $126 million on Barry Zito, who has compiled this line:

    Total 17.0 16 11 10 1 8 10 1 2 0 0 5.29

    More walks, less than half the K's and double the ERA.

    And anyway, it's much too early to tell about anybody.
  4. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    I noticed ESPN is only showing one game tonight, when will they start doing their Wednesday night doubleheaders? Later in the season, or are we stuck with just one game each Wednesday now?
  5. Dignan

    Dignan Guest

    Nice avatar. Mesa, no doubt.
  6. Perry White

    Perry White Active Member

    Video of the Manuel v. Eskin Fight: http://video.nbc10.com/player/?id=92590
  7. lantaur

    lantaur Well-Known Member

    And I'm shocked the Yankees (or Red Sox or Mets) are involved. Shocked, I tell you.
  8. statrat

    statrat Member

    It may only be April but I'm just going to ask it now in as calm a manner as possible...WHY THE HELL DID THE MARINERS PAY JEFF FREAKING WEAVER 8 MILLION DOLLARS!?!?!? Wow that felt good to get the Northwest fanboy yell out, now back to your regularly scheduled coverage of all Yankees/ Red Sox, all the time.
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    The Twins, who last week had trouble hitting the Yankees starters, pounded Weaver like a 16-year-old's dick.

    I lost count of balls hit over Seattle OF's heads.
  10. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Ah, nostalgia.
  11. statrat

    statrat Member

    It is a well known fact that every time Bill Bavasi hands out another high priced to an undeserving player, kittens die all over the world.
  12. Dignan

    Dignan Guest

    Todd Jones just cost Bonderman another win. A-hole.
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