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Running racism in America thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Scout, May 26, 2020.

  1. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Holy crap.

  2. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    I sense Cancel Culture is on the horizon. And this cretin will be on the docket at CPAP 2023.
  3. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    The next bongo drums for the Faux Fascist Noise Screech Machine: American slaveholders were never properly compensated for the loss of their property. Reparations are in order.
    heyabbott likes this.
  5. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    I’d rather have a story like this, than another interview in a Midwestern diner. That being said, a comparison to the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean nations would be in order. But otherwise, a good piece.
  6. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    The 13th amendment was never properly ratified by the southern states who never ceded from the Union, a legal impossibility. So Alito and the Katholic Klan Kourt will Invalidate the 13 amendment returning the former slaves and their children and grandchildren and their grandchildren’s grandchildren to their status as property not people. Which is historically accurate.
    I hope whomever owns Uncle Clarence beats his ass.
  7. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Thirty years experience dealing with constitutional issues and a LLM!
    heyabbott and Spartan Squad like this.
  8. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    The RWSM has been saying the quiet parts out loud about the Reconstruction Amendments ever since, well, about Jan. 21, 2017
  9. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    The problem is you start invalidating the Reconstruction amendments, you invalidate the thing that gives all of these religious freedom cases any legs. And protection from gun laws in liberal states. But sure, start going after those.

    But if I’m wrong, I’d love to see why enumerated
  10. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    ... you're responding to loons. Better to have fun with it.
  11. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    You sumbitch. I tip my cap.
    2muchcoffeeman and doctorquant like this.
  12. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Oh don't worry, the Shiite Catholic SCOTUS installed by Team Fatfuck will figure our how to hopscotch over the shit they don't like and keep the shit they do.

    How it will be explained how it's totally appropriate that the descendants of Southern slave owners should be compensated for the paper loss of the value of their slaves, but as for the descendants of the slaves themselves, "freedom is its own reward."
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
    heyabbott likes this.
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