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Running Studio 60 thread (spoilers)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Chi City 81, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    My dad met him in 1979 at a convention.... said much the same thing.

    Actually said he was an asshole.
  2. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Met him at a Super Bowl. Was very funny, great deadpan. No complaints here.
  3. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    What a talent he is.
  4. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    I don't suppose anyone here has episode 2 on tape or DVD and would be willing to let me borrow it? I missed it and had no way to record it.

    I have my Netflix DVD of the premiere (which appears to no longer be available) I'd be willing to trade as long as you promise to put it in the mail when you're done. :)
  5. lantaur

    lantaur Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Does NBC.com show any "replays?"
  6. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Yes... you can watch the last episode online...

  7. Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Bravo's been picking it up, too.
  8. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    The idiomatic definition doesn't apply as it's not the musical definition. The musical definition clearly says that it's chordal - eg. more than one pitch is played simultaneously. In musical terms, unison is defined as the absence of harmony.

    Here are some that I found in musical dictionaries:

    Unison - Two or more voices or instruments playing the same note simultaneously. (emphasis mine)

    Unison - Singing or playing the same notes by all singers or players, either at exactly the same pitch or in a different octave.

    And, from a Fourth Grade lesson plan:

    Unison means everyone playing or singing exactly the same notes at the same time. Harmony means two or more different notes sounding at the same time and making sense together.
  9. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    I think you'll need to dig up the second grade lesson plan so Maestro Columbo really grasps it.
  10. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Harmony means two or more different notes sounding at the same time and making sense together

    Kinda like Boyz 2 Men? Is Motown Philly harmony? ;)
  11. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    I'm not seeing the mutual exclusivity in any of those definitions. Sorry.

    and, regarding the idiom: How can that be referencing anything OTHER than music?


    by Ken Waxman
    5 July 2004

    Combining composition, improvisation and processing, e_a.sonata.02 (For4Ears) picks up on three of most active musical currents of the past few years. Each of these constructs hangs together seamlessly, however. So at the CD's conclusion, you'll probably admit that most of the time you haven't been able to tell under which rubric many sounds should be classified. The reason for this connection between the six players is evident—all are conversant with all three of those musical currents.

    Swiss-born tenor and soprano saxophonist Urs Leimgruber, who lives in Paris, has long been involved in performances of notated compositions, mixed media presentations and providing music for dance, radio plays and film. At the same time, he has also pursued an active career in improv in association with percussionist Fritz Hauser and bassist Joëlle Léandre, among others.

    The Basel, Switzerland-based Arte Quartet, made up of Beat Hofstetter on soprano saxophone, Sascha Armbruster on alto and electric (!) saxophones, Andrea Formenti on tenor saxophone, and Beat Kappeler on baritone and alto saxophones, usually works on the legit side of the divide. But its close harmony, improvisational and reading skills have been put to use by saxophonist Tim Berne and drummer Pierre Favre for extended compositions.
    German-born, Swiss resident Günter Müller has for more than 20 years been using hand-generated, electronically-modulated sounds in improvisations and compositions, first as an adjunct to his drums and percussion, then, as on this disc, by adding processing, minidiscs, an iPod and electronics output to his kit. Many of the textures Müller brings to this live performance of e_a.sonata.02 are processed from tones originally played by the Arte Quartet.

    The piece itself evolves in an independent sound world with textures pushed forward by waterlogged saxophone sonority. Composer/chief soloist Leimgruber thrives on overblowing, tongue slaps and key pops, with the other four reedists vibrating their lines in concentrated drones that move from widely spaced basso timbres to saturated, higher-pitched inflections.

    When he's not using his iPod and sampling to play back saxophone lines, Müller's instruments create the hiss of cracked vinyl, spaceship-to-earth radio signals and what appears to be footsteps and the movement of a stereo's tone arm. Even faced with these wild sine wave motions and skittering fan belt-like resonation, however, the Quartet maintains its unison harmony, often with timbres intentionally semi-smothered by other noises.
  12. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Re: Studio 60 premiere (spoilers)

    Fine. You win. I will immediately mail the diploma I received for my Masters degree in Music back. [/sarcasm]
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