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Running video games (and consoles) thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Will Hernandez, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    In regards to FPS on consoles: those games will never match FPS on computers with mouse and keyboard. I remember when Counter-Strike came out on xbox and thought it was complete garbage. I still have a slight dislike for FPS on consoles, but pretty much everyone has a 360 or PS3 now and have put the computers on the back burner for now. I like them, but felt more accurate and precise with the mouse and keyboard.
  2. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    I think people these days tend to use consoles for their gaming needs and keep the computer for regular use (Internet, streaming/downloading movies and music, business and word processing applications, etc).

    That was kind of the reason I went more consoles. PC games took up a lot of memory when you install them. So I took games elsewhere.

    Of course, computers these days come with a lot more memory, but then movies, songs and photos take up more memory too.
  3. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member

    I can barely manage to click a link with my mouse, let alone play a game. Computer gaming never worked for me. I couldn't imagine using a mouse & keyboard.
  4. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    True, that was a factor as well, Storm.

    I did have a joystick controller, which I used for sports games on the PC. But it was much more difficult, using the keyboard and mouse.
  5. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    The only games for me in which I played on my computer were FPS and games like Red Alert. I still had my n64 and xbox for sporting games. But for FPS, nothing beats the smoothness and accuracy of the keyboard and mouse. Maybe I am just terrible at console FPS.
  6. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member

    I'm horrible at ALL games on the consoles! :) (especially FPS). It would be even worse if I had to coordinate both hands.
  7. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Oh you fare ok at MW2 sometimes, Storm. Better than me most of the time.

    Mad, I always thought I wasn't that good at FPS on the console too. But since I've started playing MW2, it feels like I'm a little better than I thought.
    Mind you, I'm still not great. But I do ok enough to want to keep playing them.
  8. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty good on Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and was very, very good on the old Rainbow Six Three on the old xbox. My ratio was something like 4:1. I'm hoping to get MW2 for christmas for myself but I really, really need an HDTV to get the most out of my 360.
  9. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    Anyone here have time with inFamous? Tommy_Dreamer said he liked it. I'm very interested. New (slightly lower) price and replayability seems good with hero and infamous roads to take.
  10. DrewWilson

    DrewWilson Member

    Anyone bought or played NCAA Basketball 10 for PS3? I was thinking about picking that up, but I wanted to see if it was worth it first. I've wanted to get a college basketball game since I haven't owned one in more than a decade. I went to rent NCAA basketball 10 today, but the local rental place doesn't have it for PS3.
  11. Trey Beamon

    Trey Beamon Active Member

    Has anyone here played Super Mario Bros. Wii?

    I've read the reviews and am thinking of buying a console for this game alone.
  12. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    Got it, really good game but I'm not sure I'd buy the console for it alone. Then again, I have a big problem in that my wife and I are terrible playing it together, co-op style so that's clouding my judgment.

    We haven't got very far and I've heard it's quite challenging as you get further in to it.

    Enough to buy the console? If you only ever plan on playing one game, I can't imagine spending the $250. Then again, that's what millions of people have done with Wii Sports.
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