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Running video games (and consoles) thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Will Hernandez, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    In an ass-kicking of Embassyesque proportions, HammerPants wins 3-0.
    It was ugly. First track was Grumble Volcano, I fell behind, and ended up trick-boosting myself into the lava 8 or 9 times. Almost got him on Coconut Mall, then hit a car and finished most of a straightaway behind. It was 9-0 before I finally got him in a Coconut Mall rematch. And it wasn't like we were playing everything on Bowser's Castle, Moonview Highway or Rainbow Road. These were all tracks I'm pretty familiar with and do OK at online.
    Embassy, you and I need to play in the grand prix of the Fail Cup.
  2. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    Eh, you could kick my ass next time. I just had a good day at the track.
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Quite possible. Maybe next time I'll actually get a blue shell BEFORE you're 5 feet from the finish line. Or something other than fake boxes, bananas and green shells when I'm half a lap back. :mad:
  4. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    I can't remember ever getting a blue shell. Oh, I get HIT by blue shells. Never got one, though. Weird.
  5. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    Alright Hammer, you and me, semis. I'm up tonight if you want.

    Fail Cup? Love it. Have at 'er.

    Anybody interested, I'm going online for the next two hours. It's 10 p.m. Mountain right now.
  6. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    If there's a Fail Cup, I'm in.
  7. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    Fail Cup:

    Embassy vs. Batman vs. Benchwarmer in a three-way - that's right, I said three-way - battle. Play whenever y'all want.

    Unless Stormsurge wants in on the action. Interested?

    Regardless, I think once we've finish the main tournament we should arrange to have everyone get together for a battle royal in versus mode. That would kick ass.
  8. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    Gomer ... I'm online and have created a room.
  9. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    Does 1 or 2 a.m. tomorrow work for the Fail Cup? If not, just let me know when.
  10. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    In the second semifinal, Gomer beat Hammer Pants 3-0.

    I'll let Hammer fill in the details. Suffice to say neither one of us want to see Bowser's Castle anytime soon.

    That sets up the final, Rusty vs. Gomer. Must say, I've got an uphill battle on this one. Rusty's got a few ghosts faster than mine and the last two times we've played online he smoked me - though in my defence the last time I was completely out of my mind drunk.
  11. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member

    Does the winner of the fail cup have to finish last, because if that's the case, you guys have no chance. You could try to do worse than me, but that won't happen.

    Just let me know when you want to race.
  12. To break up the Wii love for a moment...

    My wife and I made the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Rock Band last night. Very proud moment. We want to thank all the people we've met along the way -- both important and pointless.

    Foot Shot forever!
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