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Running video games (and consoles) thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Will Hernandez, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
  2. It's actually a really fun game. When I first started playing on easy, it was like an arcade game; I'd hit 5 HR's an inning. So I bumped up the difficulty level and was getting my ass blasted. Once I figured out you can customize the difficulty settings the game became 100 times more enjoyable.
  3. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Well, I lost 14-2, but after giving up 9 runs in the first 2 innings, I improved on defense.
    Hitting is still a struggle, had 2R in the first, nothing after.
    But it's fun and I'll improve with practice.
  4. bydesign77

    bydesign77 Active Member

    I haven't posted on here in a while... but a summary of my gaming over the past few months resembles a lot of posters on here.

    So far, I have directly affected the purchasing of three Wiis. My dad got one for his birthday, my mom treated herself to one and then our best friends got one as well. The Wii, and just Wii sports, may be the best game invented in a while... I'm looking for a Wii fit in the near future. My wife loves the Wii and plays Sims 2:pets constantly. I looked up the gameplay totals the other day and she had maxed out at 7 hours. I don't think I've ever played that much in my life.

    For GTA:4. I finished the story line. Like many of you on here, I was disappointed in the ending. But of course, if you went one way or another, you would get different endings I suppose:


    I was so pissed when that fucker shot Kate. I thought for sure I was going to score with her at some point.


    Of course, Kiki just broke up with me. She was being too needy after I finshed the storyline and I didn't have time to break off from hunting pigeons and unique jumps just to keep her happy.

    Now, for Rock Band. Awesome stuff. The Phat Buddhas have rocked many hours and added about 10 songs downloaded. Two drawbacks: My foot pedal broke. I hated that thing anyway, but we can't play until the replacement arrives. And you can't use GH guitars on the game. I think that's horseshit from Activision (makers of GH. Harmonix said they were willing to do cross-compatibility but Activision said no). I understand not making them cross platform compatible, but damn. It's the same fucking game. One just happens to have drums and singing. Fuckers all around. I didn't want to shell out another 60 bucks for a guitar since I had a GH guitar already, but now I have it, thanks for my friends going halfsies.

    Yes, I did both the blowing and the alcohol. Have fun with that in quotes, fellas. My OG Nintendo still works. So does my 64.

    I need to get a Zelda for the Wii at some point, if for nothing else just the memories.
  5. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    Watched Microsoft's E3 conference today. Though I don't own a 360, a lot of the third-party games that will make their way to my PS3 will be great. Fallout 3 looks good, Resident Evil 5 looks good. I was pissed when they announced an XBox Live exclusive Portal sequel that is a kick in the shins to me.
    For those that have either a 360, computer or a PS3, pick up Valve's Orange Box just for Portal. Possibly one of the best games I have played all year, and I have been through GTA4 and Assassin's Creed. I haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4, but since I haven't played any of the others I'd be way out of the loop on that.
    Sony and Nintendo are scheduled to have conferences on Tuesday, so my DVR is set to record them from G4's coverage.
    Next year I will get into E3 (didn't go this year because of time and money), I'm a journalist damnit!
  6. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    How does gameplay on Madden compare on the PS2 and PS3. I've played it on PS2 and 360 and liked the PS2 much better.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Another method is to hold the trigger button and sloooowwwllyyy pull back as if you were going to swing, but DO NOT move the club forward. If you do it right, you'll be able to load up your swing wherever you want it. Works great for chipping.
  8. dargan

    dargan Active Member

    This will seem totally random, but my cousin (a fellow sports journalist) and I played 11 games of Tecmo Super Baseball yesterday for SNES. It was glorious.

    Also, I'm using my PS3 to play Triple Play 99 from the original PS. I conduct a computer draft and fill the rosters with random lineups, then hit with everyone. It's pretty cool. Arizona ended up with a 3-4-5 of A-Rod, Sosa, and Vinny Castilla.

    That's all.
  9. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Anyone go out and get NCAA 09 yet? What are your initial impressions?

    I played one game, and lost pretty badly, but that's because my team sucks (shutup Slappy) and trying to get used to the controls a little bit (they are a little different from the original Xbox version of 07, which was the last one I had).

    But the animations and graphics are pretty good. Much better than past NCAA games.
  10. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    I got it for PS2 today, and I like it. My alma mater is actually good this year so I put it on Heisman. Since I haven't played a football game in months, that was a mistake. I played strong defense which overcame a 9 turnover effort as I eeked out a win. Overall, I'm happy with the game so far.
  11. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Big PS3 news coming out of E3 today. Video rental downloads will begin tonight through the PS3 online store, God of War III was announced and so was a $400 80g unit.

    They also showed bits from a project called "MAG: Massive Action Game," which is like SOCOM version of an MMO game. Up to 256 players at one time can battle. Here's a screen grab ...

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  12. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Xbox and Netflix are teaming up.

    Netflix members can watch movies on their 360.

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