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Ryan Braun fails PED test. Faces 50-game suspension.

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Uncle.Ruckus, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    That's not necessarily an excuse, Illmil, it's just an explanation.
  2. IllMil

    IllMil Active Member

    He should and will get suspended. But ESPN and every other outlet should be getting railed for calling it PEDs but it's turning out that wasn't anywhere close to reality. Pretty damning accusation to make without knowing the facts.
  3. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Manny Ramirez's agent said it was a female fertility drug. I presume you held the same outrage when the media so unscrupulously reported on Manny.
  4. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    So on one hand you're saying "he should and will get suspended" and on the other you're chastising ESPN for making a "pretty damning accusation ... without knowing the facts." Interesting logic.
  5. IllMil

    IllMil Active Member

    He should get suspended if it's a banned drug and he took it. He has to be responsible and more careful about what he's taking. But the way it was framed initially, that he was taking cheat pills, was bullshit. They didn't even try to get the facts.
  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Good lord, how old are you? The excuse-making for this kind of crap has been going on since Ben Johnson said he mistakenly drank from someone else's water bottle. The only purpose of Braun's defense was to sway his lapdog fanbois that he got railroaded so he will be showered with adoration when he returns from this malicious prosecution.

    I guess that defense is working.
  7. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Well, there is LaShawn Merritt:


    Shit happens. ExtenZe apparently contains DHEA, which is legal and easily obtained thanks to the efforts of U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch to defend the supplement industry. All infractions aren't the same. That's why there's an appeals process.
  8. IllMil

    IllMil Active Member

    You're an idiot. Braun has raked for the last 7 or so years and has been tested throughout that time without failing. He fails one test, which is in an ongoing appeal, and immediately requests another one. His initial test has a T level that is more than twice the amount any other test has revealed. An amount called astronomically high. You can keep calling me a fanboi, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. I'm barely even a Brewers fan. I live in Milwaukee. The White Sox are my favorite team. My life isn't any worse off if Braun is suspended. There is just a whole lot here that says he got railroaded by whoever leaked this and the subsequent reporting. Get off my ass already. You are on me like white on rice. I come here every other couple of days and you are constantly right behind me. Seriously, how old are you?

    I can't STAND people like you. People that think everything and everyone is shit and there is never anything decent in the world. EVERYONE is cheating and EVERYONE is lying because you say so. Maybe Braun is both of those things. Maybe not. I'd like to see the whole thing play out before I shower the world with my infinite wisdom like you.
  9. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Passing drug tests does not mean you are clean. Now that is fucking naive.
  10. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Believe Manny Ramirez too, then. He passed all the tests Braun did, and his suspension was also related to an unfortunate unrelated medical condition according to his agent.

    Make sure to send him a baby gift.
  11. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Marion Jones, among many others who have admitted juicing, never failed a drug test.
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Conte's take that the extremely high levels of testosterone are consistent with fast-acting designer drugs was pretty compelling, imo.
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