It's been a mixture of both. The more violent crimes, though, seem to always be done by those from outside of campus.
Those that have and those that have not is growing wider and wider each day. No Child Left Behind is starting to be felt in society, and it really scares me.
Dre, I'm not trying to be a dick, but what other violent crime has happened at UNC this semester? I'm assuming that's the campus you're talking about given your handle. I'm on campus everyday, read the paper cover to cover, and I can't think of any other violent crime of note. If we're talking only about Chapel Hill, I don't buy the increasing prevalence argument. In the 90s campus was much less safe than it is today. Nobody had cellphones, the blue boxes weren't as common, the arboretum was an overgrown scary place and Wendell Williamson went nuts on Henderson Street.
Despite my handle, I'm talking about a different campus. The handle is because of my fan allegiance, not the actual school.
I know the area well and it saddens me that something like this can happen in Chapel Hill. Obviously the guy asked her for her PIN before he killed her, but didn't consider that there might be a camera at the ATM. Maybe its because I'm old, but the suspect looks so young. It's sad all around. Classy of the Cameron Crazies during Gameday. They were yelling, screaming and jumping up and down while the ESPN guys were talking about the game. Then when they started talking about the slain student body president, they all sat down and were quiet.
This damn story infuriates me. Sorry MFs with no regard for human life Gang banging, bullshit MFs, most of the time. Anyway you slice it, just plain infuriates me. Find the MF responsible for this and the Auburn tragedy and fry them. Immediately. GD I'm pissed! How tragic can you get.
How many times does this have to happen before people stop saying, and the media stop reporting, how surprised they are that "this" could happen "here." It can happen anywhere. I fear, however, that what's really being said is that "this" SHOULD JUST happen "there."
Well you work hard your entire life so that your children do not have to cross paths with those who kill for little to no reason, and, yes, I think it should not happen where I live. It's for deaths like this that the "driving while black" mindset is set in some police officers, IMHO.