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San Bernardino

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Inky_Wretch, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    The big question for me right now: Is Donald Trump smart enough to run a Borat-like long gag as what amounts to a caricature of a Republican politician? Is that what this is?
  2. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Certainly seems like it.
  3. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

  4. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

  5. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    He's not even a Republican. He has held liberal positions on just about every major issue except immigration.

    This is really very simple. A lot of Americans want to be assholes to everyone. They want to live in an entirely white country, and be free to call uppity women fat pigs or menstruating bitches. They don't care about or like anyone different than them, and don't have the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity.

    And Trump is a symbol of all of that. It's not about policy or party ideology, and never was.
    SpeedTchr, BDC99, JayFarrar and 3 others like this.
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I am in lockstep agreement with you on this. His appeal is to the same people who once cackled when the bully picked on the nerd in middle school. That's his real base.
    BDC99, dixiehack and Stoney like this.
  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    You know, I'm always curious about these "moderate" mosques these terrorists attend.

    We're always told the Mosque condemns the terror. We're told that they don't preach hatred, and that they never noticed the guy was "radicalized" and they never know where the radicalization came from.

    Certainly not from anything taught at there Mosque.

    And, that's almost always the end of it. We never learn what is preached at the Mosque.

    Is it "moderate"? Is it mainstream? Is it hateful?

    What we usually get in the local press is puff pieces about Mosques.

    Here's one from a couple of years ago about the construction of the new Mosque that Farook attended:

    Four domes have risen above Corona as construction continues on the first permanent mosque in the 25-year history of the Islamic Society of Corona/Norco.

    By the time the 24,000-square-foot building is finished, a larger, 20-foot-diameter dome will ascend from the prayer hall, and a lighted crescent will grace the top of a minaret 59 feet above the ground. The goal is to open the new building in about a year.

    Congregants now worship in a simple multipurpose room in a building nearby. The new mosque will feature Quranic verses etched in glass around the bottom of the big dome and across the balcony of the second floor of the prayer hall, tiled walls with geometric designs, and dramatic views of the San Bernardino Mountains from 33-foot-tall windows.

    CORONA: New mosque taking shape

    I can't find anything in the media about what's taught there.

    Luckily, the folks who run the place will tell you in their own words if you look around for a minute.

    In the amount of time Devil usually gives to a post, you can learn that the (former) Associate Director is a supporter of the boycotts, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel:

    Israel Divestment Campaign: Individual Endorsers

    Ok, so what else?

    Well, here's a talk the same guy gave about Homosexuality and Islam:

    I've transcribed a bit, starting at about 12:28.

    The whole thing is pretty offensive, but what I think is most important is how he stresses that Islam does not change with the times:

    The second understanding that people have is that was relevant for that time, but things have changed now. The circumstances have changed.

    So, now we’ve discovered some things through scientific research, or community has modified itself, or social norms have adjusted such that we need to adjust ourselves, and we need to adjust our interpretation of the Koran to those new social norms .

    And, we have to understand that when it comes to Islam, we do not adjust what Islam is due to what people may want Islam to be, or due to the way people have changed. And, in reality, not too much has changed. Techmology may have advanced. Maybe your iPhone is getting closer the 5S and the 6 model, and your getting more gigabytes of storage, and terabytes of storage on your hard drives, but when it comes to the essential human nature, that’s something that generally remains fixed. It may manifest itself differently, but it remains quite static throughout history.

    So, lets get back to the questions, the questions that we need to answer on this topic, and this is a very relevant topic, and a very important topic, which many people ask on a regular basis.

    The answers that we are going to present are Islamic answers. This is what Islam says about this topic.

    The first question, is being gay a choice, or is it something that is natural? Is it something that is a choice, or is it something that is natural?

    Now, the problem with that question is, it’s not differentiating between having a feeling, and between acting on the feeling.

    And, it’s not differentiating between what is natural and what is considered to be normal behavior. Objective, absolute, normal behavior, as defined by our creator.

    Now, this is a problem, because, number 1, there is a difference between something that is normal and natural. If you say natural, then you find what happens in nature, and say there are some type of animal species that actually go and mate with the same gender.

    And, if you say well that is an argument from nature to prove that it’s natural, then what do you say about the praying mantis, and what do you say about the black widow, who when the female mates with the male, the female goes and eats the male?

    That’s natural. That exists in nature in some insects.

    Does it mean that after a woman mates with her husband, she can go and kill him and eat him?

    No. We would not say this is normal behavior. This is not acceptable behavior. But, it may exist in some part of nature., maybe in some insects or in some animals.

    So, there’s a difference between the two.

    It goes on, and it's not worth transcribing more, but we need to realize that Islam is not going to change to to what people may want Islam to be.

    This is Islam.

    So, when our President or our SoS tell us that ISIS is not Islamic, I think we should look not to what they say about Islam, but to what even "moderate" Muslim scholars/Imams say.

    Islam isn't changing, It is what it says it is. It is what Muhammad says it is. It is what the Koran says it is.

    It's not possible for Islam to moderate, because there is no room for modern interpretation.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  9. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    So .... Republicans?
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your work, YF. If your goal is to make Islam sound a whole lot like Christianity, you have succeeded.
  11. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

  12. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    He's making America great.
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