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Seattle P-I lives!

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Frank_Ridgeway, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    The Tacoma News Tribune is a very good paper, but it is not better than the PI.
  2. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    All three are good papers. On any given day, any one of them could be the best of the three and any one of them could be third. Sort of like the three papers in southeast Florida.
  3. gospringboks

    gospringboks Member

    P-I is only good for an occasional feature. Art Thiel is pretty good, too.
    Times has superior baseball coverage. Tacoma News Tribune isn't far behind.
    News Tribune has the best NFL coverage.

    And the Times and News Tribune both have something the P-I doesn't have: a Sunday edition.

    Oh, P-I is third in circulation among the three now. It's not a bad paper, but just far diminished from its heyday.

    But hey, I'm living in a one-paper city these days. I'd like to have three in my place.
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    the trib. used to have the best damned sports section in the state.
  5. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    The PI's circulation has free-fallen, but don't you think it will bounce back now with this news? I just think it will be easier for the PI to get journalists in and fill some holes they have.
    Also, out of curiousity, which papers have filled the void on the Eastside created when the King County Journal folded?
    And I thought the PI didn't have a choice about the Sunday paper thing?
  6. SoupTheFilm

    SoupTheFilm New Member

    Don't let facts get in the way of your ignorance.

    Audit Bureau of Circulation stats:

    Times Monday-through-Friday average: 212,691
    P-I Monday-through-Friday average: 126,225
    Tacoma Monday-through-Friday average: 116,150

    The P-I is third in Saturday sales by about 2,200 copies. And the JOA dictates the Sunday edition situation.
  7. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    that's as clutch a response ever issued in this biz.

  9. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Need I remind everyone again why the PI is the best paper in town?
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    you know of what you speak gola.
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