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Shocking Michael J. Fox Ad in MO Senate Race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    I haven't read every page of this thread but when we were watching a TV report about this, I turned to a fellow editor in the newsroom, and said "You really have to shake your head when Rush Limbaugh says something like this."
    Guy starts laughing.
    I look at him and ask, "What's so funny?"
    Then I realized what I said.
    Sorry Mike.
  2. It's a minefield, I'll give you that.
  3. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Well, fans, tune in for the CBS Evening News tonite. Couric has exclusive interview with Fox. I imagine "F- you, Limbaugh, you drug-addled, perverted, blowhard asshole" will be bleeped.
    Seriously, what RL said was bad enough, but did you all see the video of Rush jiggling all around in his chair while making said statements? Yeah, compassionate conservatism.
  4. Did Fox not admit to not taking his meds in situations like this? Supposedly he did in his autobiography.

    Nobody wants the man to suffer, and I don't listen to Rush. But there might be a kernel of truth in what Rush says on this point.
  5. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Uh, if he wasn't on his meds... so what? Does that change the fact of how horrible Parkinson's is? All it does is change, ever so slightly, the degree of Fox's tremors. Jesus, Lyman, c'mon. Even if you think the worst of the situation, does any decent human being make fun of Fox? Because that is exactly what Rush was doing with his silly little chair dance.
    You cannot possibly be defending that, can you?
  6. I am not defending that, nor am I defending intentionally skipping medical treatment to play on people's sympathies.
  7. I think some here could use a basic tutorial on how to correctly use the quote function.

    It ain't rocket science.
  8. Please, go back to the beginning of the thread in which the doctor explains that, in Fox's case, the meds MAKE you shake. Go off them, and you "freeze."
    The stupid, it really burns.
  9. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Lyman, I really don't want to fight today. But I think you're missing a major point here. Even if Fox did skip his meds for effect, the difference isn't night and day. In fact, I doubt you would really even be able to tell the difference unless you were very schooled in Parkinson's effects, as a doctor or family member of a victim. When you say that "playing on people's sympathies" line, you are lending credence to a dispicable human being in Limbaugh. Even if you're completely right, you're weighing an inhumane attitude on Limbaugh's part against someone who's letting their disease be shown in public to bring attention to research that could cure (or at least) help people with that disease. They're nowhere near the same scale.

    In any case, I'm working on a special section, and buried in pages of crap in the office. Gotta get back to it, or I'll be setting up housekeeping. Take care.
  10. I'd just like to say how much I hate special sections.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Amen. Hate 'em so much, I won't even read 'em.
  12. D-Backs Hack

    D-Backs Hack Guest

    Shocking ad, yes. Evidently, very effective, too:


    All GOP hands on the swift boat deck . . .
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