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Shocking Michael J. Fox Ad in MO Senate Race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. K, it sounds like you're letting your intense dislike of Rush cloud your thinking. I don't care much for the guy, but occasionally he is correct about some things. And I think he might have a point here.

    When Fox makes an ad like this, he puts himself in the political arena. That isn't the same thing as the medical arena. That leaves him open to political criticism from those with whom he disagrees. He knew what he was doing when he made the ad, and I'm sure he's a big-enough boy to handle any possible heat.

    I wouldn't wish Parkinson's on my worst enemy, but that doesn't make Fox above criticism. Although some people who agree with him on this certainly want that to be the case, much like Cindy Sheehan is above reproach because she lost a son in the Iraq war. (Does that make parents who lost sons and who disagree with Sheehan above reproach, too?)

    Anyway, thanks for not descending into namecalling and purile insults, and good luck with the section. I hate 'em, too.
  2. You mean the swift boat ads in which MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED of Kerry's band of brothers said he was unfit? Apparently they were all hypnotized by Karl Rove or something ...
  3. Except that he's not getting "political criticism." He's being accused of faking his symptoms -- and by a drug-addled lying sex tourist at that -- and of feigning his illness. You want to debate him on the merits of government-funded ESC research, go ahead. (You'll lose.) But don't tell me that personal abuse and public slander is the price you have to pay for taking a political position. Even you can't be that wrong.
  4. him on the merits of government-funded ESC research, go ahead. (You'll lose.) But don't tell me that personal abuse and public slander is the price you have to pay for taking a political po
    Slander like "drug-addled lying sex tourist"?
  5. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    The truth isn't slander, Ly.
  6. Three sides to every story, BH: Yours, mine and the truth.
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Lyman, I don't deal with you very much, for obvious reasons. But let's see if I can try to make you understand why you're not taken very seriously.

    Chris Rock, of all people, stated it best on an HBO special not too long ago. He said, "I don't trust Republicans. Fuck 'em. I don't trust Democrats. Fuck 'em. I trust people who treat issues on a case-by-case basis, who use their own fucking mind."

    And that, sir, is what you don't do. The entire liberal platform goes too far. And the entire conservative platform goes too far. And if you can't take the best of both, you're a mere caricature.
  8. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I was going with waterboarded by Dick Cheney, but you may be onto something, Lemon.
  9. And then there are those who think they don't abide by the entire liberal platform but who actually do.

    And "not taken seriously" by the lefties here? That's a badge of honor.
  10. That is not "political criticism," either.
    It's personal disgust.
  11. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Shottie's not one of the lefties though, Lyman.
  12. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    the thing with those meds is they can sometimes also exacerbate the symptoms he showed.
    Might he have adjusted his medication - either less or more - for more effect?
    Does that mean he doesn't have Parkinson's?
    Obviously not.
    Is Rush Limbaugh the biggest goof to ever speak for a number of Americans?
    Sadly, that's debatable.
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