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Shocking Michael J. Fox Ad in MO Senate Race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member

    Geez, why don't you also say that you have issues with flesh-eating diseases? Way to step out on a limb there....;)
  2. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    I'm nothing if not a risk-taker. :D
  3. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    I divide the world into those people who have bought me a drink and those people who have yet to buy me a drink.
  4. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    I have yet to buy you a drink, but I would if the opportunity is there. Hell, I'd buy most of the people here drinks if it ever came up.
  5. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    You trying to pick one, now?
  6. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    Yeah, where does Limbaugh come off accusing Fox of doing something to make his symptoms appear worse during a public appearance???!!!!!!!!
    I mean, Fox would NEVER, EVER, EVER do something like that.
    Um, what do you mean Fox admitted he did just that during a Congressional appearance in the 1990s?
    Oh, well then, never mind.
  7. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    For the record (before someone calls me a GOP Troll again) I concur with Shotglass' post 100%. That is exactly how I approach every issue.
  8. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Scribe, I think the point is "so what if he did?" Life even with the medication is no joyride, you know.
  9. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    That's funny. All of your political posts seem to come down on one side. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
  10. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    No, not a coincidence at all. Liberals are easier to make fun of is all. I go onto Conservatives sites and pick on them and all they do is shrug their shoulders and say "so what" and move on.

    I poke fun at you guys and its like watching a Keystone Cops movie. Everyone starts screaming at the top of their lungs, running around like damn fools crashing into anything in sight and stepping into more shit that I could possibly throw at you in a lifetime. I mean really, you guys make it too easy for me sometimes.
  11. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Ah, so in other words, you have nothing to say of any substance, so we should all take your posts with a grain of salt. Good to know.

    Have a nice day.
  12. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    Absolutely. I wouldn't wish that or any similar disease on anyone. But if he did and did so to make a political point, then he does open himself up to criticism and that criticism is VALID. Doubly so if his ad is in error and it appears it is in regards to Talent's stated position on stem cell research.

    Also, after doing some research, it looks like there is a valid question to the effectiveness of embryonic stem cells in relation to adult stem cell research and that too is a valid argument to be fully explored without the Political BS muddying the waters.
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