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Shocking Michael J. Fox Ad in MO Senate Race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Troll factor is extremely high, in this specific neighborhood . . .
  2. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

  3. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member


    When you have your BS, your Master's and hold every level of medical certification required by the State of California to be a licensed medical practicioner, then your can bring in your bullshit NY Times research - basically stories that repeat verbatim from the grant applications of alleged scientists who are trying to prove their theories without any basis in medical reality - to the table and try to debate my "wife" on medical research.

    I'm betting "she's" forgotten more about medicine than you and your nitwit NYT reporters can ever hope to learn.

    BTW, how many dying people have you saved Dog? Has any of your golden prose kept a person's heart beating? Have you personally reached into an open wound and held on for dear life to keep a person from bleeding to death until enough help could arrive to save their life? How many dying, premature babies have you spent WEEKS with, fighting every step of the way for every single breath so that they could live?

    Have you done anything like that in your life, or are you just a bitter piece of shit that spends his life doing nothing more than writing about Powederpuff State's thrilling water polo comeback against Dipshit U.?

    Research all you like at dubious sources and then claim as you will that it is gospel.

    I think I will rely on the knowledge of someone who knows what the hell they are talking about and who doesn't have a political agenda as their primary motivation.

    As for "her" taking time to debate a sackless shit like you, "she" has better things to do. Like saving someone else's life tonight (yeah, I know, I just quoted an Elton John song). One of these days "she" might get a chance to save your life, or that of someone close to you.

    Fortunately, "she" will draw upon "her" vast medical knowledge, instead of voodoo witchcraft like embryonic stell cells and the odds are "she" will save another life.

    Perhaps you'll even have the decency to say thank you when "she" does, although I doubt you will.

    Your kind never does.
  4. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I notice in your list there that you don't list Ph.D among the items "she" has obtained. Not a doctor, huh? So, why the hell would I be listening to her?

    And what's up with the quotation marks around "her" and "she?" Are you not sure if your wife is a woman? I'd think with 24 years in the medical profession, a BS, a masters and all those board certifications from California "she" would at least be able to answer that tricky little question for you.

    And by the way, while me and my "nitwit NYT reporters" don't have all those medical certifications, we don't need any of them to diagnose you as being absolutely batshit crazy.
  5. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    Perhaps you and your Medical Superstars at the NY Times can say why you are assuming that I am a man married to a woman when you have no more factual evidence to support your assumption that I am a man married to a woman than you do that embryonic stem cell research will ever produce meaningful results.

    I have not posted what sex I am. I could be either male or female. I could be a female married to a male. I could be a female married to another female. I could even be a male married to another male.

    Tell me, oh great and all-knowing researcher, what vast and all-reaching research have you done to determine what sex I am and what sex my spouse is?

    The obvious answer is: none.

    Makes one wonder about the true depth of your "research" into embryonic stems cells.

    Oh BTW, Great Researcher. You don't need to have a Ph.D. to be a licensed medical practicioner in California in "her" field.
  6. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

  7. Big_Space

    Big_Space Member

    my dad can beat up your dad :p
  8. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    Yep, there goes the "troll" reference bullshit. Way to stay true to form Libs.
  9. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    What led me to the tricky assumption that you're talking about your wife was when you referred to her as your wife. Back about seven posts, moron.

    For the love of God, you're an idiot. Dammit, the thing would lead people question me is the fact that I've responded to your dumbass about eight times now.

    This is it, though. I'm done. Better late than never.
  10. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    At least I know who my father is.
  11. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    Try again shitface, I have never said I have a wife, never referered to a her without the quotes around the words she or her.

    Another fine example of your stellar research skills. C'mon jerk, go back and look again. YOU WILL NOT FIND A REFERENCE TO A HER OR A SHE WITHOUT THE QUOTES BEING AROUND THE WORDS.

    Again, just the type of slipshod research I have come to expect of the NY Times and its fanatical troglidites that lap up every ounce of bullshit the Times spews out.
  12. Scribe4264

    Scribe4264 Member

    BTW, what does this sentence mean????

    "Dammit, the thing would lead people question me is the fact that I've responded to your dumbass about eight times now."

    If your english is as good as your research, I need not worry that anyone would take your conclussions any more seriously than those of the NY Times.
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