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Shocking Michael J. Fox Ad in MO Senate Race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Agree with most of it, except that "A woman's right to choose" is only a euphemism for "killing the kid for the sake of convenience." And you know in your heart that that's true.

    The pro-abortion crowd likes that word "choice" as though it's similar to choosing peas or carrots as your side dish with dinner. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer also made "choices."
  2. Yes, by all means, let's base social policy and medical research on the Baltimore Catechism.
    Great plan.
    (Oh, and just for the record, not all Protestant denominations buy the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which was not promulgated by the Roman Catholic church until the 1800's.)
    In your dreamworld, asshat, How many doctors and women would you send to the gas chamber?
    Monkeys with opposable thumbs, please.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Funny, but false. Pretty much like all of liberalism.
  4. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Well, since we don't even send guys like Dahmer to the gas chamber, I guess that point would be out of the question. I'd settle for your side to stop sending millions of innocent and defenseless to a painful and gory death.
  5. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    No, Zeke, I believe in personal responibility. And not the "fuck everybody else" kind.

    I believe if you're fat, it's your fault not McDonald's. I believe if you lose your rent gambling, it's your fault not the casino's. I believe if you get drunk and wreck your car, it's your fault not the liquor store owner's fault. I believe if your 4-year-old finds a loaded pistol and accidently kills himself, it's your fault not the gun manufacturer's.
  6. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    Agree with most of it, except that "A woman's right to choose" is only a euphemism for "killing the kid for the sake of convenience." And you know in your heart that that's true.

    The pro-abortion crowd likes that word "choice" as though it's similar to choosing peas or carrots as your side dish with dinner. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer also made "choices."

    Isn't "The Factor" starting pretty soon on the radio? Better scurry off to go catch it so you can come back supplied with all new gift-wrapped talking points.
  7. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I'm not even gonna bother addressing any of the nonsense from tony, lyman and the gang, other than to say, the reason no one takes the shit you spout on here seriously is because you never back up anything. You just come on here, spout off your views, which are always line-for-line identical with the Republican talking points on the subject, and then make wild leaps in logic and twist and turn every argument into another argument when it becomes obvious you're having your ass handed to you.

    As for stem cell research, there was a nice, long story in Time about a month ago, maybe more. It dealt a little with the debate, but mostly just talked about the research, the progress that has been made and what it all points to.

    Both sides on the board are a little off. This is not a simple issue. You can attempt to boil it down to one, but you'll be wrong somewhere along the way. The only thing that you can say for sure right now is that these cells likely hold the key to curing some of life's worst diseases. Progress is being made, but it's a slow go, especially without help from the government.

    And for the next person who says some bullshit about how the research hasn't been banned by the government, you're an idiot. You have no idea how the research works or what is needed for it to be successful. People could donate money to stem cell research with the same passion that they donated to the 9-11 funds and not do 30 percent of the good that government backing would.

    There are concessions that could be made by both sides in this that would allow this research to continue in this country. As it is, though, we're losing a ton of great minds to foreign countries because those countries are backing the research. Whole departments at some really good universities are on the verge of being shut down because of these defections. All it would take is someone who could explain to the American people exactly why the talking points from both sides don't tell the whole story here. It's not a simple life vs. choice debate. There are several other factors at play.

    The cures from this research are, at a minimum, a decade away. Fox knows that -- anyone with the disease knows it. He's not fighting for himself. He's fighting for the people who will be stricken with his disease from here on out. How it makes one bit of damn difference to any of you if he took his meds or not is beyond me. Him sitting in that chair, moving uncontrollably, twitching and slurring his words -- that's life for him. He sees the possibility of a cure for this disease, which would prevent others from suffering like he is. He's trying to see that happen. How can you be so cold that you'd criticize that? Are you really that desperate? So desperate that you'd criticize someone stricken with a horrible disease because he allowed you to see the effects of that disease? This is not a political fight for him. It's life. And for 30 seconds, you had to deal with that unbearable sight, and that was just too much for you. Imagine living with it. Or imagine watching a loved try to live with it.

  8. That sound you're hearing is the anti-choice side chickening out, again, on what to do about the doctors and the women who engage in the slaughter of the innocent blastocysts.
  9. Kaylee

    Kaylee Member

    Well said.

    Don't you just hate it when real life interrupts political platitudes?
  10. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Inky --

    That's cool, and I agree with everything you just said.

    I also think that we all know that there are varying levels of personal responsibility, collective responsibility, government responsibility, etc.

    For example, America is fatter than other nations. Do you believe that flaw to be a specific fault of American character (which would be odd, given the diverse gene pool we have around here in comparison with other nations) or might some other factors be at work?

    Perhaps the large amount of our foods made with processed corn syrup might have some affect?
  11. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    That, and what jmagc had to say about it pretty much sums it up for me. It's not very compassionate to say that because they have medicine that simply slows the progression of Parkinsons (really, it's like pulling the brakes on a train when you see someone on the tracks too late, it'll slow down but still come to a tragic ending) then they shouldn't worry about the disease. And if that's your argument, and that's the extension I'm seeing from some on here, then you're one sick fuck.

    As for government funding of science. Lets be honest, only the most ideological hacks of the right would argue that this administration embraces science at the expense of ideology. They simply refuse to accept facts that contradict their ideology. But then again, the putting of ideology ahead of everything else in the first place is what has this whole country fucked anyway.
  12. JimmyOlson

    JimmyOlson Member

    Technical point here ... the Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus. It refers, at least in Catholic teaching, to Mary being born without Original Sin.


    Carry on.
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