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SJ.com Outing, er, GetTogether, Toronto, July 14-16

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JR, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    That was a cool little service... thanks for putting your cell phone number out there for the world, HC! ;D
  2. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    It was nice to feel like you guys were sharing in the event. :D
  3. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Indeed. And don't worry, we won't call you at 3 a.m. ... not too often, anyway. ;)
  4. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    That's why you got the cell phone number. I can turn it off. :D
  5. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    OK, the one questiion I have is: How many people ended up coming?
  6. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    We were probably almost two dozen strong at some points.

    This is the last post from anyone still in Toronto. Spnited just left town after hend I were the only ones left at the game today. We're sitting there, watching Burnett and Hernandez pitch in a great duel, and all of a sudden in the sixth inning, I look down the row and did the biggest doubletake. Jimbo, hockey stick cane and all, came stumbling down to the seat. He didn't bring his brother like he said at Betty's he was going to, but he sure is a true Jays fan. He told stories over his "Bud-weeser" and everytime a ball was fouled off, no matter if it was at the plate or made it to anywhere in the stands, he would pull out his baseball glove and shout "I got it!" He only stayed for two innings before he had to go get some more booze, but he did give me his King St. address. Jimbo had Spnited take a picture of me and him, and since (until last night) he had "never touched a computer," he wants me to print it out and mail it to him. He even paid me for postage. It was the perfect end to the outing: the oldest member and the youngest member watching the last game of the series with our new honorary Canuck.

    Sorry for the posts last night. They have disappeared. Thanks JR and HC for being wonderful hosts. The structued evenings allowed for a very enjoyable outing and no dull moments. Thanks to our "secret guest" and several others for some great conversation.

    I'm off to the bus station.
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Full house last night. Everyone showed up. The Canucks included HC, Huggy, Maple Sugar, Double J, the mystery Canuck who cannot be named for reasons of national security and yours truly.

    I'd also like to add that this was a group whose ages ranged from 19 to mid 50's, from all different backgrounds, all different geographical areas and everyone hit it off right away.

    I'd also like to add that the waitress at Betty's was unbelievably friendly and accomodating.

    Oh, and in addition to Spinited and me, Orange Hat Bobcat's dad made up the senior guys trio. He was extremely cool and  a really nice guy.

    I can't imagine what he thought when he was thrown into this group.

    "Let's see, my son is going to Toronto to meet a group of sports journalists whom he's never met. Maybe I'll tag along" :)

    Oh, I'd just like to add, southern accents are very cool.
  8. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    I know why they call it the QEW.
    It means "Quite Enough Waiting."
    Traffic backed up in Oakville, Hamilton, St. Catherine's and after I left that road, a decent 30 minute wait to cross the border.

    So, after reading 10 pages over the last 10 minutes, it's cool to see what I missed (even though I was there).
    First, to JR and HC, thank you for one of the best weekends I have ever had. You did an extraordinary job getting this sucker off the ground.
    You are quality people and a credit to the Great White North. HC, awesome pipes! :D
    And I will return (again).
    So many people to mention, I don't want to leave anyone out.
    Huggy and Double J, it was a lot of fun watching the Jays sitting between you, then making the trek to Betty's Appreciate you waiting on my unsatisfied quest for a souvenir.
    Trivial Pursuit is my favorite game.
    And $50 (C) for a mini Stanley Cup? No way.
    Spnited (I think I got that right), it was truly an honor and a pleasure to drink and hang with you.
    OHB (Let's go Orange), like I told you, you're going to do well in the biz and your father is a class individual and a great role model.
    It was an honour (oops, can't spell American anymore) to share a drink.
    Craddlerobber, kid, you got spunk. I don't think I would have gone to the extreme you did to make it to Toronto.
    I'd stay out of the real estate biz for a while. :D
    IJAG and SSW, ladies, you rocked, a lot of fun to be with.
    SM51, anyone who can wear a hockey jersey in 95 (oops 32) degree heat with 100 % humdidity is a real fan, glad you got to see the Cup.
    Paper Doll, you and the Boy were nice and I hope you enjoyed the weekend.
    Dooley, it was nice going on the Rogers Center Death March with you. No elevator?
    Pete, you are a funny dude, LMAO funny. I'm glad you found an open Tim's at 3 a.m.
    Who else do I need to mention?
    Ragu, good chattin' with you, I can hardly wait to see if the Cup makes the sig.
    Hmm, Maple Sugar was sweeter than her name. The woman can walk a mile in heels, which is a talent any of us can appreciate.
    FJ and Dr J, I never heard one moan. What the Hell is wrong with you people? Guess the honeymoon is over, then again, you were going to Niagara Falls.
    I apologize for leaving anyone else out, and if I can jog my Tim Horton's coffee fueled, barely 10 hours of sleep in 2 nights brain, I will add.
    Honestly, I enjoyed my time spent with each and everyone one of you. The weekend was literally the board come to life, we started threads, jacked them, even closed one, then reopened it.
    Thanks to all for a memorable weekend and to all who couldn't make it, you have no idea of how much fun you missed.
  9. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Sorry about the traffic on the QEW. I think you can safely blame Bush for that. :)

    Did you manage to smuggle any Timbits across the border?
  10. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    Patchs, I don't think any of us could have pounded out a more accurate roundup of the weekend. Between the games and the Hockey Hall of Fame (which will now be referred to simply as The Temple), all the conversations and stories and bars and, oh yes, the beers ... and beers ... and beers ... this will be one weekend not soon forgotten.

    Many thanks to JR and HC for putting everything together, and to Huggy, Maple Sugar, Double J and Jones for allowing us to invade their fine nation. Canadians really are as nice and courteous as advertised (except for that 6-year-old punk who punched me in the stomach while I was walking around the concourse at Rogers Centre the Skydome. I'm sure he was really an American).

    For the record, I think OHB Sr. might have enjoyed the weekend even more than I did. During the ride home, he turned to me and said, "So, you really didn't mind me tagging along?" Not at all, Padre.

    I know the crowd will be far different next year, but I will do everything in my power to make it to Dallas 2007. After the fun of the last three days, we would all be fools to miss it.
  11. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Thanks, man, it's appreciated. The lack of sleep and 5 hours of driving are catching up me.
    BTW, can't forget Jones. His work is staring me in the face but it's going to have to wait until Monday since I want to be cognizant when I read it.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    OK. Finally home… Flight home wasn’t too bad. I was a little nervous after they brought the plane from Major League with the duct tape on the propellers out of retirement for my flight in. It was a bit of a white knuckler.

    Where to begin?

    On a serious note… I think I sort of botched this when I tried to express it after a few pints of that herbal tea-like swill they call beer up there… I wouldn’t say I didn’t like JR or HC from their board personas before heading up there. It’s that I now feel guilty that I’ve never interacted with either much--and I am not sure why. I was blown away by how warm, nice and genuine they both are. Thanks to all of our third-world neighbors who hosted us; and particularly to JR and HC who are two of the coolest people you will ever meet, if you do.

    On a not so serious note, but absolutely true… I hope I am not out of line for sharing this detail. But a lot of you wonder just how old Spnited is. Here’s a little perspective. I believe he may be the only person left from his state with a photoless drivers license. I couldn’t quite understand his explanation for this, but I believe that rather than try to explain that new-fangled photo technology to him they just created a special law and grandfathered him (pardon the pun).

    As for Toronto itself, very nice city that grows on me a little each time. But I am positive they lace the tap water with valium. Several of us (but scarily not enough of us) could not understand this…. You get to a crosswalk and there are no cars within sight. And 50 people will just be standing there like good little Stepford Canadians waiting for the hand sign to light up so they can cross the street. This fascinated me. First of all, what civilized society bothers to even cross at crosswalks? My life is like a giant game of frogger. My favorite moment might have occurred when I finally got frustrated with these sheep-like humans and bolted across the street, dodging some minor traffic (They were Canadians. I knew they weren’t going to hit me). Double J pulled me aside and with a very earnest face said, “Would you please try to respect the laws of our country?”

    Note to Moddy, since you asked. There were four of us who lasted all 14 innings on Saturday. Dooley, Pete, Sam Mills and I. The rest got in their inning and a half, did the wave a few times (I was embarrassed for the city), yawned and took off. It was a good game, but we were losing it 42 hours in. In the spirit of honesty, that would have been the last inning no matter what—well at least for me.

    A few random thoughts… Beware people. There is a stone-cold killer lurking among us. You have no idea who he is. But he knows EVERYTHING about you. Everyone take care to bolt your doors tonight.

    There is also an autoerotic, lactating, self-pleasuring nipple licker among us. Actually, there are probably a dozen. But one that I know of for sure.

    The Hockey Hall of Fame is amazing. It blew me away. I really didn’t want to like it. I wanted to make fun of it… OK, I did make fun of it before I saw it. But it was awesome. It’s really hard to compete with the Baseball Hall of Fame just because, but they did a damned good job with this one, including the building they adapted for it—an old bank with a beautiful stained-glass ceiling. It easily blows the Pro Football and Basketball Halls of Fame out of the water. By 50 miles (so glad to be off the metric system!). Seeing what they did for hockey, I can’t wait to see the digs they set up for the Curling Hall of Fame next time I’m up there. I’m expecting the Sistine Chapel. And I might learn something about another sport I know nothing about.

    Not really related to the metric system, but the metric system did make me think of this. Those Canadians are much slicker than they let on. Their currency is designed to rip off Americans. You get there all psyched that all you need is a couple of dollar bills and some pocket change and you can exchange it for a bankroll that makes you look like J.P. Morgan. But when you start buying stuff, they give you these funky coins as change that you assume are pennies and dimes—but are really these Canadian $60 and $70 tokens. So you think you’re tossing your change into the tip jar… and there are all these Canadian home owners courtesy of us dumb Americans.

    I will probably think of more later. Jones was as big a degenerate as most of you suspect. As troubling as the little jaywalking lecture from Double J was, you should have seen the looks Jones got from the locals when he publicly performed several of his individual acts of perversion so profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here.
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