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SJ.com Outing, er, GetTogether, Toronto, July 14-16

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JR, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Heck, maybe we should just have some east coast-west coast SportsJournalists.com wars. Dueling summer outings.
  2. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    I think it's good to move it around so SportsJournalists.commers from all over have a chance to attend at least 1.
    Tell you this, Toronto could be even-year host, and the odd-year host could Tahoe.
  3. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    BTW, Ides, good to see ya pal.
    We could have used a moddy of some kind. :D
  4. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    There's nothing to stop people from SportsJournalists.com from getting together anywhere.

    There's just one OFFICIAL summer outing per year. And Moddy has higher rank than you.
  5. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    The Canadians want a winter outing. With hockey. :D
  6. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    That's cool. Moddy's the man, I can't argue that point.

    And he'll show me some love someday and we'll center an 'official' outing around the Salt Lake Bees vs. Las Vegas 51s weekend series.
  7. Fly

    Fly Well-Known Member

    My vote goes to Moose Jaw.
  8. Double J

    Double J Active Member


    When do I get my traffic light-obeying badge? ;D
  9. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    DJ, I saw you jaywalk outside Betty's.

    Shame, shame, shame.
  10. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    Just wanted to let all our Canadian friends know that Red Green is on our local PBS affiliate right now. (Red just concocted a windchime/disco ball out of three bicycle wheels and a bunch of flashlights.)

    I am a man ... but I can change ... if I have to ... I guess.

    Red does have fans south of the border.
  11. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Hey everybody. Sorry I missed out on breakfast and the group photo this morning. Maybe someone can take one of the other weekend pictures and Photoshop me in? :)

    I had a bitch of time getting back to my own motel (you guys missed the couple fucking on the bench outside Union Station. Surprisingly, watching two people screw in public wasn't anywhere near as erotic as I might have imagined it was. It was actually pretty disturbing. Everybody else walking by either didn't notice or didn't care, which disturbed me even more than the act itself).

    To make a long story short, I wound up sleeping through my wake-up call and was 15 minutes late checking out, although they were cool about it. Next time I'll start saving my money earlier to make sure I can stay at the grownups table with everybody else. :D Anyway, I made it home, hung out with the kids and now I'm ready to crash.

    BTW, thanks to the out-of-towner who let me sleep over on Friday. I didn't want to drive because I knew I'd make an even bigger ass of myself than I wound up making during the episode which shall forever be known as "Nipplegate." :-\

    I'm glad everyone had a good time, because I did too. It was really great to meet everyone and it was an honour to have played a part in hosting everyone who came to our country and was impressed by our magnificent Hockey Hall of Fame. Of course, it was a very small part -- JR, HC and Huggy, of course, deserve all the props.

    Hoping Dr. J managed to catch "Trailer Park Boys" tonight in Niagara Falls, and looking forward to keeping in touch with everybody.

    P.S. For those of you who asked where I was from and was stumped by my reply of "Owen Sound, Ontario," here's where it is in relation to Toronto. The shaded part is our newspaper's coverage area -- about 3,350 square miles, the same size as the West Bank, and we can boast 100 per cent market penetration.


    Now you know everything there is in this world for you to know. Stay classy, SportsJournalists.com! 8)
  12. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    On another note, I found that
    we discussed Friday night. It really is pretty cool (especially when the Hanson Brothers sprint out of the cab), but very few folks from the States would understand the basic premise.
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