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SJ.com Outing, er, GetTogether, Toronto, July 14-16

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JR, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    That's my point, though. We're all going to constantly be together. How much will we really use names? I'm not going to go up to JR and say "Hey, [insert JR's real name here], etc. etc. etc." I'll just say what I want to say.

    In any given day, I actually use a given name probably an average of twice.
  2. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    It would be nice to just know who is in our group. I'll recognize two people there.
  3. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Well, patchs, for some of us it's only four days. ;D

    Lucky us, eh? My countdown's already begun.
  4. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Just don't forget your birth certificates, driver licenses, passports, etc. etc. If you loosers get to the border and you don't have your stuff together, I hope you have a laptop with you so you can post on SportsJournalists.com that you need someone to come pick you up because you're SO getting left.

    haha. :)
    Can you feel the love?
  5. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Made sure I tossed that birth certificate in my wallet last week, before I forgot to do it.

    I'm really looking forward to this trip. I need some time away from BFE.

    I'm also looking forward to the road trip, which should be as entertaining as the stay in TO.
  6. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    I bought a new birth record, but it doesn't look like the duplicate birth certificate I had before. It's like an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper that just says where i was born and shit.

    Is that good enough?
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    As long as you have a birtch certificate AND photo id as I mentioned in my group e-mail.

    If you don't have photo id, you may get into Canada but who knows, they may not let you back into the U.S.
  8. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    But I DON'T have a birth certificate. It's a 'record of birth' or some shit. It's not the thing you get at the hospital or whatever.

    And I have a crapload of photo IDs.
  9. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    FYI, your "Certified Stalker" card will probably not get you back in the country. :D
  10. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Oh yeah, good point.

    Will an ankle bracelet from the authorities keep me from crossing the border?
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Just tell them you're a friend of mine. I'm sure you'll be OK. :)

    Anyway, your record of birth presumably shows you were born in the USA.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I'll be the dude with a piece of paper in front of my mug. I am with IJAG on this. Don't you think name tags is a bit too "retards at the zoo"? (Yes, I know that is bound to offend someone, but the more PC way of saying it doesn't quite capture it).
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