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SJ.com Outing, er, GetTogether, Toronto, July 14-16

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JR, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Moddy you have to wear socks with the Birks because we have got to have a picture of them! :) ...


    This exact same quandary happened on Saturday night of last year's outing -- some people wanted to go to the booty-dancing, grinding dance clubs while others wanted to chill at a low-key bar.

    As much as I sometimes enjoy the meat-market type clubs, I think the chill bar with stools, low music so we can chat, beer nuts [do they have beer nuts in Canada?] and room to walk around is definitely what this outing is about.

    It's about the bonding, gosh damnit. Right? Right, ya'll?

    Plus, you can't bond real well dancing to Dem Franchize Boyz' "Ridin' on Rims" ... :)
  2. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    Sure you can...
  3. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    As IJAG so eloquently pointed out when the subject of lanyards came up, this isn't a kindergarten outing.

    If some of the folks want to go dancing, that's cool.

    Others can hang around and shoot pool, play darts, try and pick up a Canadian of the opposite/same sex. Or both. :)
  5. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    So, how many coming, and what's the boy/girl breakdown?

    Wish I could make it. :(
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Based on the baseball ticket sales, we have around 20 for Friday & Saturday, including about five Canucks.

    Boy/girl....I don't know. Not quite 50/50 but close.

    Farmer J is taking care of the running thread. :)
  7. PaperDoll

    PaperDoll Well-Known Member

    Wait just one minute here!  How can we have a 50-50 gender ratio at any event involving sportswriters?  I forgot, all us sportschicks could actually keep significant others around.  :-*  I only hope there's some folks with non-sports interests -- comic books, Broadway shows? -- to talk with The Boy.

    Dangit JR, I thought you already assigned me that job.  Or maybe that was Ragu?
  8. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    I don't do comic books but I can tell him all of my Phantom of the Opera stories.  :D
  9. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Well, there are all those band stories (not to be confused with band camp, of which I never attended one, so no ... I don't know Michelle Flaherty). :-[
  10. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    I skidded on a dumb patch. You're it. :)
  11. PaperDoll

    PaperDoll Well-Known Member

    But I'm definitely sharing the job.  The more, the merrier.  And it'll be a much better story if written by drunkards.  ;D
  12. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Did someone call for me? :)

    I'm taking a laptop. I'll be posting (the hotel has internet, yes?)
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