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Skydive from space apparently back on

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by novelist_wannabe, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  2. Ookpik

    Ookpik Active Member

    Helmet cam:

  3. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I wanted to watch that, but since seemingly anyone who makes a Youtube video insists on putting annoying music with it, I didn't.
  4. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Short answer on how it happens:

    It's not like print, where multiple sets of eyes see it before anyone in the public does. In plenty of cases, the producer (or, if there is one, chyron op) type it and no one else sees it before it hits air. That's particularly true in a breaking news situation.

    Bottom line, it's really easy to think one thing and just have a brain fart and type another. If you don't catch it immediately, you end up looking like an asshole.

    I don't say any of that to minimize the mistake, which is obviously a huge one. Just saying, it's easier to do than you might think. (Think of the "biggest goof" thread on the journalism board, and all the posts that have some variation of "I spelled count without the O -- thank God the desk caught it!" Well, there's no desk to catch it on TV.)

    On a side note -- Chyron ops have been phased out at my shop, but over my career before that, you wouldn't believe how many Chyron ops I worked with for whom English was a second language. Some of them were really good, but others... I had to explain to a French guy running Chyron one night that he needed to change a graphic because he abbreviated pounds as pds instead of lbs. He got really upset and angry -- he thought I was fucking with him and trying to get him fired for doing something as stupid abbreviating pounds "lbs." I finally convinced him that no, I was not messing with him, and English is just really odd sometimes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  5. Uncle.Ruckus

    Uncle.Ruckus Guest

    That wasn't breaking news. It aired today.
  6. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member


    The basic premise still mostly holds: it's really easy to have a brain fart and type the wrong thing. But jeez, a day later? Gotta catch that.
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