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So if Torre stays...(a journalism question)

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by 21, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. JackS

    JackS Member

    You're not gonna like hearing this, but that sounds like a Bernie Goldberg book.
  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    That makes sense.
  3. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Anyone can do that, though, even someone who doesn't cover the team. The whole point of having a Bill Madden on staff making Bill Madden money is that 1.) he has the sources to give you something more definitive than that, and 2.) he has been writing about Steinbrenner since the 1970s and should know better than anyone what to take seriously and what to think is just Steinbrenner blowing off steam.
  4. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    My problem is this -- NY media sets the table for this story, and everyone else follows. That includes us in East Bum Fuck who don't give a damn about the Yankees. So then we have to run that story for the next three days and then, in the end, it's much ado about nothing and the Torre press conference where we learn he's staying runs on C4 because no one cares after the rumors don't come to pass.

    If you're going to get the scoop, get it right.

    Just don't write, "Believe it. This time, faster than you can say 'Goodbye, Joe. Welcome back, Lou,' there will be." If there is still any doubt, use "could" as opposed to "will." Don't tell us it's a certainly when it's not. And that's my problem with this. I could care less if Steinbrenner is the source, if there's any reason to doubt, say it could happen. And you know he still would have had the scoop just by saying that much.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Oz, this wasn't rumor as truth, the report was right at the time with the owner as the source. Then, the news changed.

    It happens.

    However, the notion that the NY media sets the table isn't the fault of the NY media, that's the fault of media organizations elsewhere who let them take the lead. In our case, we didn't let the Torre story drive our train, we reported it when something definitive happened.

    We're under no obligation to go crazy with something just because the NY media and ESPN did.
  6. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Bubbler, when I said NY media set the table, I meant in this specific story. I don't mean for my paper or anyone else's.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Thank you Bubbler.
    I'm done with this ridiculous argument.
  8. tenacious_g

    tenacious_g Member

    I'll offer my small-time, East Bum Fuck take and wait for spnited to let me know how wrong I am because I don't live in New York...

    Original story was fine. The writer was confident in the source. ESPN and the rest of the world should not have run as they did without their own hordes of baseball reporters and on-air talent putting their necks on the line with some independent confirmation. I do agree that the DN taking all the blame in this is wrong. They may have been the source of the original story, which turned out to be wrong, but they actually were the only ones who did the unthinkable... get the info themselves. A change of heart makes them look bad, but I actaully think the ESPNs and other national media outlets are the ones who conveniently blew this story up without ever facing the consequences of possibly being wrong themselves.

    And before you say it smnited, I am never in favor of outing a source, regardless of whether their info is right or wrong. If a reporter decides to use the source, it becomes his baby and his responsibility. He writes it, he better stand by it and never out the source. But he needs to be responsible about future use of that source. I know in the other posts you made it clear, though, that New York media need not excercise responsible journalsim because the radio callers all get how the game is played there, right?
  9. Baba_Booey

    Baba_Booey Member

    Just because you work at a paper that's closer to NYC than some others does not mean you know the ins and outs of the New York tabs. You're way off on some of what you've asserted in your posts.
  10. Thanks, Lugnuts.

    I think that kind of stuff too much for my own good, I guess. But it's scary the way this industry has been going for more than a few years now.
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