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Sopranos 6/10 -- THE END

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jun 7, 2007.


Is there going to be a movie?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    11 vote(s)
  4. Fuck you, David Chase

    24 vote(s)
  1. tyler durden 71351

    tyler durden 71351 Active Member

    I like that sense of dread comment. I would have liked it a little better if it just ended with them eating dinner...but the building up of tension, then just stopping was effective.
    Really, there was no way they could end the show in a way to make everyone happy. And they did kind of wrap some things up...Phil is dead, Tony is done with Junior, Meadow is going to law school, AJ seems to have his life on track.
  2. Just giving props to one of my fave posters for getting this much right.

    Also, agreed on the tension in the final scene. Was I the only one who thought "Fuck me, my cable went out!"

    Somewhere, the Ghost of Andy Kaufman smiles...
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    There is no "ending", just as there was no "beginning".
  4. shockey

    shockey Active Member


    from the nod to what a great Journey at the end, to the satisfaction of phil getting whacked, to leaving the door open for silvio to survive, to the set-up for the (hopefully) inevitable movie, this was as strong as i could have hoped for.

    terrific tension in the final minutes, with every person icoming into the diner having tony spooked. who didn't think meadow would get whacked in the parking lot?

    how great was it for a.j. to finally be nailing the hottie only to have the suv go up in flames? and a wonderful last goodbye for uncle junior and janice deluding herself by thinking she and bobby's daughter had "bonded."

    this was tree-men-dous. can't wait to see it a couple more times.
  5. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    So many references to earlier episodes.

    David Chase puts his daughter in one last episode -- nice touch by him. I guess that's what a non-FBI intruding childhood does for you.
  6. Wow. I thought the finale was ...
  7. beanpole

    beanpole Member

    it was a great ending. But a lot of people are going to hate it. Their loss.
  8. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    anyone else notice how miserable Agent Harris' life was, too?
  9. WazzuGrad00

    WazzuGrad00 Guest

    I think a movie would be a very bad idea. Two (or three) hours wouldn't be enough to introduce (or reintroduce) characters, much less tell a story.
  10. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    What the hell was that ending?

    The final scene was going great up to that point - the whole family coming together (the theme of Tony's role in the mafia vs. his family), and the tension of sensing that he and/or his whole family was going to get whacked by someone in the restaurant but not knowing exactly by whom. But to just have it end with sudden silence? Not even a gun shot with the screen at black?

    Liked the scene where Phil got whacked - tied up that storyline, at least somewhat. And Paulie's paranoia about the cat was funny. The beginning jumped around too much though - it was tough to follow the first 10 minutes or so.
  11. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    No movie for me. this was it. how else do you end a 7-year series?It's about what I expected and I got a little extra with the Phil whack scene and Paulie & the cat. couldn't really expect more and still have it be good.

    the last few weeks showed why this show will go down as one of the best ever. tonight didn't change that.
  12. WazzuGrad00

    WazzuGrad00 Guest

    exactly the point.
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