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Sopranos 6/10 -- THE END

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jun 7, 2007.


Is there going to be a movie?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    11 vote(s)
  4. Fuck you, David Chase

    24 vote(s)
  1. mltru2tx

    mltru2tx Member

    Oh. My. God. That was tremendous.

    That was exactly the ending I did not want coming into the night, but for some reason I absolutely loved it.

    That tension in the last couple of minutes was unbearable. At first I thought Tony was gonna get it in front of his whole family, then I thought Meadow was gonna get while trying to park her car, then I thought a suicide bomber was going to walk in and blow the whole joint up, then I thought...

    The Journey touch was totally classic. David Chase knew what he was doing when he had that song in mind for the final score since Day One. When the song started with "Just a small town girl..." and Carm walked in, a big smile came to my face. It was almost heart-warming, as gay as that may sound.

    That whole scene was heart-warming, seeing Tony (the most classic case of love him-hate him in TV history) there with the only people he can really trust anymore mixed with the insane tension of "is THAT the guy that's gonna kill Tony" as one person after another walked into the diner.

    THEN...I was about two minutes behind on my TiVo so when it went to black I thought it had stopped recording and I about went ape shit.

    Then, after the heart-warming, I kind of thought about another scenario. What do y'all think??

    What if Tony did get killed at the end. The sudden silence and blackness was exactly what Tony told Bobby he thought death would be, while they were in the boat fishing at the lake in "Soprano Home Movies"

    Somebody wacked Tony, and the last thing he saw and heard was Meadow walking in the front door.

    Either way, I think I'm going to be in the minority but I absolutely loved the finale.

  2. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    From another board, echoing thoughts here:

  3. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    I did think our TV went off at the end.

    Why is anyone surprised? This series was created by a Jersey guy. Did anyone really think anything bad would really happen to Tony on Chase's watch? The final episode had all of Chase's touchstone elements: Jersey Shore, Jersey vs. NY, symbolic music, anger-inducing therapist, constant threat of corruption.

    I give it an A-minus.
  4. What's funny is how he was basically rooting for Tony the same way many of the fanboys on here cheer for their favorite football team ... "we're going to win" or whatever he said.
  5. T2

    T2 Member

    No gunshot at the cut to black? They say you never hear the shot that hits you. My impression: when Tony looked up just before the black, that was his last conscious moment in this world.
  6. Billy Monday

    Billy Monday Member

    Nicely put. It did put the show in perspective. It de-romanticized the mob and had a bigger message about family and worry. That is, all you really have is your family. and worry will kill you if you let it.

    Surrounded by constant dread and reason for worry, "Don't stop."
  7. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    Agent Harris rooting for Jersey, too, was priceless.
  8. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Second that. I looked at the fiancee, wondering if the show ran long, thus making the screen go black. (We started late.) And then the credits rolled to let us know. I didn't mind the finale, Chase has always been like that, going the opposite from what people might want to see.
  9. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    The last 2 hours of this series was brill-fucking-iant.

    I'd put them up against any ever broadcast before.
  10. Billy Monday

    Billy Monday Member

    You're really screwing with us man.
    No. Here's why. We hear Meadow come in the door. Then it blacks out. Show over.
    The gawker had gone in the bathroom. He's not around.
    There's nobody else around to shoot him that we see.
  11. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    The Uncle Jun line about Bobby Kennedy was great.
  12. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    It's always the gun you don't see that fires the killing shot.
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