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Sopranos 6/10 -- THE END

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jun 7, 2007.


Is there going to be a movie?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    11 vote(s)
  4. Fuck you, David Chase

    24 vote(s)
  1. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    yeah, that was great, too.

    "don't stop believing" was not a cheesy choice. couldn't you just see that being tony and carm's song back in the day?
  2. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    I don't think that's it considering Harris tipped off Tony on where to find Phil. Any case against Tony for that murder (and probably any charge) would be seriously damaged by Tony revealing Harris' role in a murder.
  3. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

    this from the Star-Ledger

    "No one was trying to be audacious, honest to god," Chase said. "We did what we thought we had to do. No one was trying to blow people's minds, or thinking, 'Wow, this'll (tick) them off.' People get the impression that you're trying to (mess) with them and it's not true. You're trying to entertain them."

    Full story in tomorrow's Ledger.
  4. The Star Ledger has a teaser up for the interview Sepinwall got with David Chase. Obviously, this is an exclusive and they don't want to scoop themselves so the full story will be available tomorrow.


    Only quote from Chase in this bit...

    "No one was trying to be audacious, honest to god," Chase said. "We did what we thought we had to do. No one was trying to blow people's minds, or thinking, 'Wow, this'll (tick) them off.' People get the impression that you're trying to (mess) with them and it's not true. You're trying to entertain them."
  5. Damn you!
  6. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Football Scribe and Spaceman.

    True amour fou.
  7. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    I see this type of dig constantly from the "real" fans of the show. Can someone once and for all explain why it was so outrageous to expect that storyline with the Russian to come back at some point? I can understand that some people went crazy with it and obviously as time passed it wasn't going to come back, but I just don't think it's crazy to have thought that attempting to whack a Russian mobster would be a big issue.
  8. Because the guy had a crushed windpipe and blatantly got shot in the head?

    And also because David Chase had never, even to that point (late in season three) been the type to bring back bit characters like that for any type of big situation. Any small part characters that were brought back stayed in small roles. In this case, for him to return it would have led to something bigger and that's not how Chase operates. But the fact that he got shot in the head also would be a factor.
  9. Mighty_Wingman

    Mighty_Wingman Active Member

    I agree that anyone who expected the Russian to come back was probably not thinking clearly about what the show's all about.

    Still, for a show that prides itself on its realism -- well, sometimes -- the way the Soprano family got away with an awful lot of shit is pretty ridiculous, from killing a Russian mobster to killing the Polish (right?) guy from Season One to Tracee's death at Ralphie's hands to the murder of that random New York made guy who swung by Satriale's on the wrong day. And it goes on and on and on and on.
  10. Appgrad05

    Appgrad05 Active Member

    Coworker pointed out that at the beginning, Tony woke up this morning and got himself a gun.
  11. Big Game

    Big Game Member

  12. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    This could start a huge thread jack and I'm really not interested enough to get into one, but has Chase ever come out and said the Russian is dead? Do we even know he got shot in the head? Christopher and Paulie seem convinced of it, but the guy kept running afterward. In my mind if you're going to die from a gun shot wound to the head it'd be a pretty immediate occurrence and not something that would happen a few hours later after running away for a while. I can't remember the episode perfectly, but didn't Christopher and Paulie's car get stolen? Doesn't seem like there would be a lot of other suspects in the middle of the woods.
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