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Sopranos 6/10 -- THE END

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jun 7, 2007.


Is there going to be a movie?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    11 vote(s)
  4. Fuck you, David Chase

    24 vote(s)
  1. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Well, folks, we have given Davd Chase just what he wanted .. a never-ending discussion of what the fuck happened.

    We have overanalyzed this beyond belief.

    Here's the main thing many of you seem to have forgotten...
    It's not real life, it's a TV show!
    It is whatever David Chase wanted it to be.
    He owes none of us anything except to have entertained us, which he did superbly over the past 8 1/2 years.

  2. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Zeke, I think you always have to circle back to the point that the character study and psychology drove the show, not the plot.

    AND TRUE, DAT, spnited
  3. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    In regards to Pine Barrens

    Losing a man running for his life? Okay, I'll buy that. But losing a 1997 seamist green Cadillac Sedan DeVille that's parked on an unattended back road in a state park in the dead of winter where there's no one around for miles? I've never been able to buy that one. Who gets a car stolen out of a state park? And every time I'm on the highway and pass that car in that exact color scheme I still say "here comes the Russian" aloud to whomever's in the car.
  4. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    You wanna see dread and paranoia, I refer you to Ray Liotta in some movie that came out 17 years ago.

    I rarely got this sense from Tony in the frames Chase chose to show us during the 86 episodes.

    Episode 85 was one of those rare occasions.
  5. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Here comes Paulie's Jack Nicholson-meets-Cesar Romero hair!!!!!!
  6. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Journey's Jonathan Cain on having his song in the finale: "It puts our feet in the cement," he said. "We're a staple in the American music culture. Like us or not, we're here to stay."

  7. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    "We should have stopped at Roy Rogers'"

    "And I should have done Dale Evans!"
  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Who has ducks in their pool, or dreams where ducks carry off their penis? Who has a bear in his backyard? Who has a raven outside the window when he's getting made? Who believes that a female could be a mob boss in Italy? Who just-so-happens to have lunch in the same shitty mall fast-food joint where their rapist was just named Employee of the Month? Who plays Sinatra songs before killing their best friend and dumping his body in the ocean? Who gets out of a escrow by blasting Dean Martin from the speakers of his boat?

    It just seems silly to focus so much on the minor details of one improbable event. What's more improbable? That some high school kids just so happened to steal the car, or Tony just so happened to run into a guy who ratted out his friends while taking his daughter on a college trip?

    It's like getting pissed off that no one noticed that Charles Darnay and Sidney Carton switched places at the end of Tale of Two Cities. It seems to me like that's missing the larger point.
  9. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member


    Uhh... it's a fucking dream... apples and oranges
    Are you kidding? Realistic.
    I mean, come the fuck on. Of course it could happen.
    Big problem with this whole diatribe....

    You are yakking about the improbable (and not even that in a couple of your examples).

    No tracks in the snow is imPOSSIBLE.
  10. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    I didn't have the time to ready 12-plus pages of this, so excuse me if I'm D_Bing.

    I don't think Meadow will be a mob lawyer b/c the case she was talking about involved investigating a political corruption scheme (bag men and such). I haven't watched the episode for a second time (how many of you got it on the first shot 7 weren't fooled by the quick cut?), so I'm not 100% sure if they said what kind of lawyers they were.

    Also, Meadow might be spoiled, but she's not turning into Carm, Jr. She doesn't strike me as shallow, and though she's engaged to a made man's son, the son isn't also in the Family business.

    Any SportsJournalists.com'ers wanna meet me at Satin Dolls, aka the Bing, sometime?
  11. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    But it wasn't Tony's point of view. It was OUR point of view.

    We were the ones watching, always have been. If Chase wanted to show us Tony's POV, there was a way to go about that. He didn't. We watched, just as we've always watched, this man and his family trudge through their unique struggles.

    They're still trudging. The only difference is we're not watching.

    It's fine to have Tony continue on. It's fine to relay the message that this shit is just gonna keep happening and the guy's never gonna change. But you've got to give us a reason to stop watching. At the end of the day, no matter how special David Chase is in this business, he's still just telling a story. The Sopranos was the story he was telling. Right now, it's still missing one-third of its required parts -- the end.
  12. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Simon, I did my best, but you're unwilling to even listen to any of what Zeke, Dedo, JD, myself and others have posted. You want to be pissed about some minor plot point that has no bearing on the overall theme and point of the show, that's fine. That's your opinion. Maybe the series would have been so much better had Gil Grissom marched out into the snow and found out that the Russian fell into a sinkhole, or that his blood turned white when it interacted with a chemical in the Jersey soil. Go ahead. In reality, Dean Moriarty and Sal Paradise probably would have run out of money too. Santiago never would have been able to reel in a marlin that big. And it would have been impossible for a man named Gregor to wake up one day and realize he'd turned a bug. You win.
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