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Sporting News Today thread (what do you think?)

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by steveu, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. sportsed

    sportsed Member

    Exactly my first reaction as well. There's no doubt that the product will get better over time. But here's the Achilles heel: It's a print product, even if it's online.

    Scroll your mouse over any of the photos or charts and ... nothing. There is absolutely no interactivity, save for the clicking required to turn the page and the shoot-throughs when a story jumps. Nothing that engages the "reader." Nothing that makes the reader a "user," as a reader is called in Internet parlance.

    How passive.

    There's a reason why no one else is doing this at any of the big sites.
  2. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    That strategy makes zero sense to me. Besides, there's an ad from the Speed Channel.
  3. henryhenry

    henryhenry Member

    how the heck can you keep up with sports if you don't read sporting news?
  4. Clerk Typist

    Clerk Typist Guest

    Click on 'pages' and you get the whole layout and can jump to any particular page. Cool, except that it reminds me of being at the office.
  5. I like it. I don't see how someone can compare it to a daily newspaper. I live in the Northwest, many of the papers out here are sub-par, to put it nicely.

    If I want to read something on Ohio State football -- like TSN had today -- I'm not getting it in my daily paper.

    Look at it like a magazine, not a daily newspaper.

    I hope they don't go down the SI.com route with celebrity news and dumb campus photos and stick to sports.
  6. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    That's one problem I can see. Another is that it's coming out of my laser printer awfully small. Turning off Firefox's headers and footers helps some. Some of the background color screens aren't helping matters; might be better 1) in color and 2) and 600 DPI. Unfortunately, my color inkjet seems to be dry.

    Even without those problems (which are more my B/W laser printer than anything else), I'm not prepared to kill as many trees as would be necessary to print it out and read it that way every day.

    And after attempting to download the files ... somebody needs to kick TSN in the balls. I know y'all in Charlotte are reading this thread, so please guys: Get real and switch to PDF files. This is asinine.
  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    I assume that to really make this work they're going to be counting on a segment of the fandom to not automatically click espn.com or si.com or other sites first-thing every day. That's a paradigm shift that's gonna take some time, no matter how good the product is. I wouldn't say I would never do it, but I'll need to see a lot more.
  8. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    No issues with tech problems here. Thought the design was nice and clean, and I liked the page view. Very easy to read. Thought it was very monitor-friendly -- could read each page without having to zoom in or scroll up and down.

    So my only major issue is with content -- 15 of 33 pages, plus the cover story, were about college or pro football. Christ, it's July, isn't it? No football being played this week, right? Ugh. ::)

    It's one of the things I despise about ESPN these days. If TSN's coverage choices are going to be so completely football-centric, I doubt I'll be spending much time with it. You've got baseball being played, trading deadline coming up ... the Olympics starts in a few weeks. And nearly half of the entire Sporting News Today is devoted to ... football. No thanks.

    I also noticed that it's very East Coast-centric, and that turns me off as a California reader. All the game times, in the MLB standings and the Olympic breakout box, were listed as Eastern. (That said, it did arrive in my inbox at ... 7:22 a.m. Hi Shotty! :D)

    And I certainly understand East Coast deadlines, but if the "Overnight Report" page is going to be one-sentence recaps of Tigers-Royals and all the West Coast games ... trust me, I can get the same from my 8-page local sports section. If I'm a Dodgers or Giants fan ... what do I get out of this? No coverage of my teams.

    Seems like there's a real danger of TSN Today becoming Charlotte-centric in its coverage, like ESPN has become Bristol-centric. Very, very hard to produce a national publication when so many areas are so different.
  9. hpdrifter

    hpdrifter Member

    Somebody hired some people and tried something. In this era, that's a banner fucking day.
  10. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Buck, if you're that concerned then you should know that within the past hour I found out that they read e-mails sent to the address in D'Allessio's column and reply to them promptly. :)
  11. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Me too, my reading-The-National-at-lunch-table friend. Me too.

    I think Ms. Alexander still has a copy or two of The National that she swiped from me for doing the crossword during history class. [/hyper-local SportsJournalists.com]
  12. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    If only they could bring back Fungo.
    Then it would be like The National.
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