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Sports designer, Fort Myers, Fla.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by friend of a friend, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. zman82

    zman82 Member

    is this place gannett or mclatchy (formerly knight ridder)? i always get all those papers in florida confused?
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

  3. EdReed

    EdReed Member

    He actually got a job with CBS Sportsline.

    And our next designer will not be writing Bowling Green columns.
  4. EdReed

    EdReed Member

    The job is now officially able to be posted.

    We are looking for a page designer/copy editor for our sports section. The person will need to be able to design section fronts, special sections -- Spring training, football, high school all-area teams, Super Bowl, etc... -- and grind out some inside pages on deadline. We also need someone who can read copy, catch and fix mistakes, and write headlines.

    There will be no writing. Please do not see this as a way in that will eventually lead to a writing position. We would like someone dedicated to elevating the design and content of our section. We have enough writers to cover what we need.

    A little about us. We're a 100,000-daily paper. We've won APSE Top 10 daily 4 of the last 5 years. We cover the Tampa Bay Bucs and Miami Hurricanes with staff writers. We have a college jumping to Division I next year - Florida Gulf Coast University. And we cover 30-plus high schools. If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'll tell it like it is. I am the assistant sports editor.

    Please send your resumes and portfolios to:
    Mark Bickel
    Sports Editor
    The News-Press
    2442 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
    Fort Myers, FL 33901
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Just once, I'd like to see a sports editor stress that a sports writing position should not be viewed as a foot in the door to become a copy editor or page designer so don't even try it.
  6. EdReed

    EdReed Member

    The last 2 times we've had positions for designers, we were flooded with applications from writers who would design for a while and would like to eventually get back into writing. I was simply trying to be honest about what the situation is going to be and not blow smoke about, well, if you come in and do a good job, maybe you can write X and Y. If there were a chance, I would have said that too.
  7. Thanks for the post Ed. My buddy says you are good people.
  8. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    As a former News-Press alum (and there are PLENTY of us here/there/everywhere) I have fond things to say about this joint. Plenty of fine people to work with, and though I don't know Ed and Mark, they have good reputations.

    For anyone who might end up going there for a job interview and has some time to kill between the hours of midnight-whenever, may I suggest Gator Lanes for a beer/10. Tell Kevin I said hi ...

  9. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    I'd like to see an ad that doesn't just tack on catching mistakes and writing headlines as an afterthought.

    But I'll settle in for a long wait.
  10. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    I'd like to read posts about a job opening without Dyepack, who obviously has a lot of free time between his coverage of junior high basketball games, making some annoying comment when he has shown he offers very little to the discussion about a particular paper.

    But I'll settle in for a long wait.
  11. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    Buck, you got that right. And to thank that someone else gave that clown a job.
  12. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    I hope the folks over CBSsportsline.com read that, and I hope the seemingly good folks at the News Press read that before he quit and before they gave him a good recommendation.
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