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Sports Editor -- Crystal River, Floda

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by ogre, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. Needles

    Needles Member

    Actually, Crystal River is well within the nuclear evacuation zone. You can tell by the signs along most roads. And, yes, there is a road (to the town's most populated beach, incidentally) in which you are no more than a mile from the plant's steam towers.

    That sucks about the Williams museum shutting down. I was there in January 2005, and it was a nice little spot to take the family.

  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Interviewed there in the late 1990s and even took the pre-employment drug screen.

    The only person who could pick up the results of said drug screen was the human resources director --- who was on maternity leave. Nobody else was allowed. Nobody even bothered to ask her if she could take five minutes.

    Two months later (after never returning my calls in the interim), the sports editor finally called me to let me know I'd passed my pre-employment drug test and find out when I could start.

    They do have a very nice facility in an office park and Citrus County isn't the hellhole some people here are portraying. But make sure the HR director isn't 87/8 months pregnant when you interview.
  3. zman82

    zman82 Member

    so is this still considered sourth florida and does the cost of living represent that? i mean could you live on what they're paying?
  4. Lucas Wiseman

    Lucas Wiseman Well-Known Member

    South Florida? Hardly... more like north/central Florida. Totally different than south Florida.
  5. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    Is Sourth Florida near South Floda? Crystal River is a little more than an hour due north of Tampa.
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    for god's sake coffee, ball up like paul harvey and tell the rest of the story.
  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Well yeah, it's in the evacuation zone. But it's no reason to not take a job. Now hurricanes, those are a good reason. Some Crystal River coastal areas have taken a pounding in recent years.

    I always thought the TW Museum (billed as the "Hitters Hall of Fame") was a little bogus without Pete Rose.
  8. WrIIter

    WrIIter Guest

    The Ted Williams Hall has moved to beautiful Tropicana Field, one of the best atmospheres in Major League Baseball. "The Trop" is about an hour and 20 minutes from Crystal River, so that would be an unexpected benefit of this job, getting to go watch games there and all.

    There are a few better options for closer entertainment though, like the mermaids at Weekie Wachee and riding the manatees at Homossossa Springs, home of the great Mike Hampton.
  9. Needles

    Needles Member

    Little-known fact here: It is OK to place one hand on the endangered manatees in Florida, but two hands is considered "molestation" and is a felony.

    If that's not enough to drive you far, far away from this job, nothing should. That and the only good place to get a drink in Crystal River is a Chili's and a cowboy juke joint with old ladies hitting the Tootsie Roll.

  10. zman82

    zman82 Member

    chilli's? the best watering hole? that is rough...power plant and all.
  11. WrIIter

    WrIIter Guest

    I would contend that Applebee's is the top watering hole, seeing how it's the only place open until 2 on a weekday.

    There's also this sweet karaoke place, which is a seafood restaurant on the actual Crystal River during the day, if you don't have to work late on a Saturday night. I once heard the best rendition of "Back in Black" I've ever heard there.
  12. doctorjm

    doctorjm New Member

    First of all, I work at the Citrus County Chronicle, so if anyone has any questions about the sports department, you can message me. Second of all, I was the one who sang "Back in Black". If you have to, you can ask about that too.
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