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Sports Editor, Pocatello Idaho

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Jersey_Guy, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Minotauro

    Minotauro Member

    She's still there? She seemed on her last legs a few years ago.
  2. mose

    mose Member

    It's my understanding she still makes cameo appearances in the newsroom.

    Think of all the turnover she's seen in her 80-plus years there.
  3. Superman

    Superman Guest

    Oh, well, with only two writers and one editor (the position I was told that was left open for nearly four months), my friend seems to be hosed either way. ;D
  4. BlacknGold

    BlacknGold Member

    Southwest Idaho here to represent in the rumble...
    It's been said, but Pocatello seems to win a whole lot of awards, and some of the guys I've worked with from there are classy guys. Kellis is a good guy, worked with him a few times. Oh, and when I first moved here, I called it "Pock-atello" instead of "Poe-catello." So, if you apply, don't call it that. People will laugh.
  5. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    At least now no one else in the state will have to deal with the old SE. Nothing like trying to get stuff done state tournament time and having no help.
    As far as the turnover, I don't even think it was people staying there a couple of years. People seem to come and go every six months.
    The chain - Pioneer Newspapers - is not one I can recommend working for.
    Last, but not least, maybe the new SE will bother to cover the state tournaments that happen elsewhere in the state, because the old SE apparently didn't care about that.
  6. BS

    BS New Member

    I’ll start by saying it’s not easy for me to post on here since so much of what’s written goes against what I believe in, namely discretion being the better part of valor. If this were simply a referendum on me being a good guy or a bad one, I wouldn’t bother. But since the mud’s flying at a management team and company I hold dear, I’m compelled to defend the Idaho State Journal and all that it stands for.

    In almost six years, I’ve found this newspaper to be caring of my family and responsible to its community. Its resources are finite and it lives within its means, but its intentions are genuine and its heart is almost always in the right place. The newsroom and sports staff believe in and follow the muse that is journalism and what results are stories and products that inspire, inform and, most importantly, care take a wholesome community that deserves a newspaper as ambitious as this one.

    It’s telling to me that during a transition filled with joy my emotions do not rise above bittersweet. I love this place and all of the people who’ve come and gone, including the ones I’ve wronged (I’m sorry and I hope you understand I’ve grown). I’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the most creative, thoughtful and inspirational people I’ll ever meet and can’t imagine anyone turning away from the opportunity to walk in the shoes I’ve been fortunate to wear as sports editor of the Idaho State Journal.

    I’m proud of this place because it's proud of itself. In my mind, the hatred it inspires from some of you authenticates its achievements. It’s certainly not lost on me that the “help,” or lack thereof, that we provide others is expected by the very same people who would so easily assassinate us in forums such as this one.

    It’s laughable that you’ve never realized we’ve been out to bury you journalistically all along.

    — Brady Slater
  7. Lester Bangs

    Lester Bangs Active Member

    <Sitting back with popcorn, waiting for the next post> ;D
  8. YerkillinmePetey

    YerkillinmePetey New Member

    Lester -- I hate to disappoint you, but you're not going to get anything else past this from me unless I'm specifically addressed in a future post. There was no malicious intent in my first post, so I don't really feel the need to respond any more than I already have. People can think what they want -- but I have no hatred toward anybody. I wish Mr. Slater well at his next stop and applaud him, as I have done a few times before to him personally and to his staff, for the great improvement his section has made in the three years I've been around to see it.

    So, Lester, if you wanna throw in the white towel as my cornerman, go for it. :)
  9. fiasco

    fiasco New Member

    Wow. It's amazing how "you have high turnover and excellent writers" gets interpreted as "hatred."
  10. mose

    mose Member

    You taking Joy -- or at least some of her ashes -- with you, BS?
  11. BS

    BS New Member

    I'm going to steer the ship in my hometown of Duluth, Minn.

    — Brady Slater
  12. hack of the west

    hack of the west New Member

    It should also be noted it was a complete mystery to the rest of us in the state how the ISJ was winning these awards. It's not what ya know. ... Three words: terrible ... chain ... paper. At least the employees in I.F. get something out of the deal with ESOP. And re-design issues at the Post Register? I think it's now in Year 11, so nothing new ;)
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