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Sports icons, a running list

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Pulitzer Wannabe, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    Late getting here-

    As a DFW native I'm only really comfortable talking about Dallas icons, and as a pro fanboy, I'll leave out all SWC legends 'cause I don't give a shit...

    Cowboys: Lilly, Staubach from the old days. Aikman, Smith from the new. There are many, many with legit claims, but those are the ones who are above the rest in reputation among the faithful, justified or not. Perkins and Meredith will always evoke the best of the Cotton Bowl era. Harvey, Too Tall and Randy were something else, too, even though they couldn't beat the Steelers.

    Mavs: None really, though Blackmon comes closer than any. Harper was the big deal for a while. Nash, had he stayed...oh, never mind.

    Rangers: None, I suppose, though Rodriguez would probably have come to represent the franchise like Gwynn/Padres or Brett/Royals had he stayed on the team. Jim Sundberg was Staubach in spikes as far as fan adulation was concerned back during the 70s, but despite the Gold Gloves, neither he nor the team were good enough to have his legacy be much more than a sentimental one. Greer symbolized the spirit of the AL West charmions of the late 90s, but again, more of a sentimental icon than on-field great. EDIT: I'm leaving out Ryan because he only spent a few seasons with the team. Weird that the only HOFers to wear Ranger gear (Ryan, Jenkins, Perry) are pitchers.

    Stars: Fuck, it's just not a hockey town. Modano, but, yeah, whatever. People loved Belfour 'cause he was visibly batshit, confirming the stereotype of hockey players to Sun Belt fans. But icons? Still waiting on the town to develop a hockey sensibility sophisticated enough to recognize an icon. May not happen.
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Ok...you seem to be a good person to ask. Why not Dorsett?
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