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Sports reporter -- Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by jmb51879, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    If you think this is limited to journalism, you're nuts. It happens in every industry. By law, many companies are required to post openings. They can't say "but don't waste your time because we're pretty sure we know the direction we're going to take."

    Ever applied to a governmental job? FAR worse.

    I am still having trouble getting over the fact someone would only spend 20 minutes on an application package. I've applied to jobs and spent hours getting it the way I wanted it.
  2. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    OPM is the anti-Christ, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  3. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    What is this "law" about posting openings? I agree that when job hunting, 20 minutes is nothing. It takes more time to fill out a Walmart application online. I don't consider myself put out by writing a new cover letter and attaching that to a resume and PDF'd clips.

    dxdsfdtwq has spent more time on this thread than he did applying for that job. He should apologize to us.
  4. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    Sorry -- meant company regulations. Guess that the correct term even if the "company" is agovernment.

    I spent three hours trying to fill out an online form for a state university and the freaking thing crashed.
  5. bobheist_pnj

    bobheist_pnj New Member

    While there appears to be conspiracy theories involving our decision, it's as simple as we got lucky.

    We did not post the job as a formality. And as was previously posted, I truly appreciate the time and effort by everyone that submitted a resume.

    Early in the process, though, someone I was extremely familiar with showed interest. He became a priority of our search at that moment. He lived just a few hours away, so getting him in town for an interview in a very short amount of time was an easy process. The folks he had to make an impression on (including the members of the sports staff) liked him. We made an offer. He accepted.

    This all happened in a matter of days. Like I said, we were lucky. I assure you, it rarely works like that.

    We're lucky to have Brady Aymond join our staff. I won't apologize for adding someone that knows what an APSE plaque looks like. I won't apologize for adding someone with a skillset that goes beyond writing (He ain't too shabby, though). I won't apologize for adding a team player with the work ethic to make a section keep ticking in these unusual times we find ourselves in.

    A motto I always follow may help some newbies in the business: An editor that takes chances on talent risks years of frustration. And that isn't just frustration for the editor, but for every member of the staff.

    Did we receive what appeared to be a number of quality candidates? You bet. And their resumes/clips are tucked away in my filing cabinet, because you never know.

    Hopefully this answers any concerns on my ethics and approach to hiring.

    Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
  6. gregcrews

    gregcrews Member

    Bob, I have no problem with the decision that you made. Congrats on landing a good reporter for the opening.

    Your motto, however, seems a bit odd. So, are you honestly saying that you have never, nor ever will, give a talented young reporter a chance unless you have worked with him or her before?

    In these "unusual times" I think it is more important than ever to show that newspapers are willing to take chances, both in their product and their hirings. Just my opinion though, I guess.

    Once again, congrats on to you and to Brady Aymond on what seems to be a good choice for both parties.
  7. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Pensacola went external to hire a sports editor a few years ago. And to put it mildly, it didn't work out.

    The paper may have been gun shy about hiring a stranger.

    Having familiarity in the person you hire is a big deal to those doing the hiring. That's why networking is a good idea.

    No one owes anybody an apology. Those bitter about not getting hired should probably stay away from the message board before you cool off.

    I've been hired 3 times in my career and probably sent out about 400-500 resumes. Tony Gwynn, I'm not.
  8. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Hey, guess what? You were wrong. Bob in fact came on here and offered you a very logical explanation with regards to your comments, even though you weren't owed one more than any of the other candidates. You or johann should admit to him that you're wrong, for attempting to drag the guy's name through the mud.
  9. dkphxf

    dkphxf Member

    Hey, Bob preferred hiring someone he was familiar with rather than going through an extended process of going through resumes and interviewing candidates/references and then hiring the best potential candidate. He can run his section how he wants. I just know if I make a hire I'd much rather go through everybody. If old buddy Joe Schmo is my guy then old buddy Joe Schmo is my guy. If not I'm happy with the new candidate.

    I'll just keep working on networking/connections and hope as Bob said to be lucky rather than good.
  10. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Ran this through Dooleyfish and it came up "No one tells me when I'm wrong -- even when I'm wrong."
    The man did what you asked and you're still not satisfied.
    Just wow.... Am sure the copy desk makes all the errors in your stories too.
  11. 2underpar

    2underpar Active Member

    i can't believe this dk-whatever isn't already working at Sports Illustrated, or at least the New York Times. he must be one effin' stud of a writer/reporter.
    has Ryan Sonner quit posting under his own name?
  12. bobheist_pnj

    bobheist_pnj New Member

    I've been messaged by a few of you on "An editor that takes chances on talent risks years of frustration." That does need a quick explanation.

    In my experience, you get burned when trying to envision or project what a candidate might be able to do in the process of hiring for an important position. It's as simple as that.

    I understand everyone hasn't been fortunate enough to go through the process of planning and executing, for example, coverage of a national championship in football/basketball/baseball/whatever, a Super Bowl, a World Series, a Stanley Cup, etc., etc. But everyone's market, in its own way, has a national championship in football (maybe your most heated prep football rivalry), a Super Bowl (state playoffs/state championship), there are markets where Little League baseball is king, etc., etc., etc.

    Within those, what have you done to separate yourself and your section from the competition? What's your most notable innovation and creative enterprise - in print and multimedia? A player feature? Please. A straight advance? Come on now. Do you break news in your market? Do you know what breaking news is? What's your greatest contribution to the section on deadline? Got you 15 inches, boss.

    If you can't show a potential editor that type of life in your work, then start thinking along those line and point your career in that direction. It is your career, don't let someone hold you back.

    That's why I don't take chances on "talent." You may have it, but if you aren't showing it in your work to the level I'm looking for, then best of luck to you.

    I love young writers with ambition who are in this to make a difference, to make my section different. We're replacing one, D.C. Reeves. I'm his biggest fan.

    That kid right now can cover a Super Bowl for anyone. Did I help? Probably a little. But it's in him to be great. We brainstormed and pulled off some pretty special things. He became the face of our section - in print and multimedia. And he had those elements in his portfolio before we ever met.

    Our hire more than meets all of the important things mentioned.

    I hope that's a satisfactory answer.
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