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Sports reporter to undergo sex change

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Mr. X, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    If the paper didn't have such diverse, deep personal stories, it would have nothing.

    Sportswriters are personalities to the readers.

    This notion that readers don't care about their paper's writers is really antiquated. Second Amendment style.

    And, when you have such a rare life occurrence that such a writer is willing to talk about in public, you jump on it.

    Who knows how many people in his readership he unburdened at least a little bit with his words.

    You can choose not to read it.
  2. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    Of course that story belonged in the paper.

    For all the reasons mentioned above.
  3. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    Wow. That comes right from management 101.
    "You're all the same, so we don't need to pay you."
    It's also completely ignorant.
    Some readers do not notice bylines. Can't argue with that. It is not universal. It probably is not even the majority. If you think the average Steelers fan does not know Ed Bouchette's name or a Reds fan does not know Hal McCoy or a Kansas fan does not know Jason King, you're a complete idiot.
  4. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Nine posts on a subject you think no one should be interested in.

  5. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member


    This is what happens when a writer runs out of ideas for a column at the LA Times?
  6. RedCanuck

    RedCanuck Active Member

    You're right, there is something called the Benjamin Standards of Care, which generally states they won't operate without a year in the female persona and the positive response of at least two psychiatrists that this surgery could take place.

    Maybe, this isn't the actual surgery, maybe this is the beginning of the persona change and a year (or maybe much, much later) that'll happen. I'd expect that's her call.
  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Getting away from blondebomber's bull-in-a-china-shop style...

    I think the discussion over whether this belongs in sports is interesting. I can respect arguments on both sides: Penner as a 20-yr-plus sports veteran is a recognizable entity and readers DO notice bylines. But as a topic, I wonder if a features section and its audience would better serve the story. (I'm not familiar with the LAT features section, but I'd certainly imagine it covers everything under the sun and probably has a very diverse readership.)

    Just thinking of papers I've known...a major metro I worked for with an outstanding features section would probably put it there over sports. A major metro I read daily uses its features section for "news you can use" junk, and a personal tale like Penner's would be too good for it so it would make more sense in sports.

    If all sections are equal, I'd have no problem with this running in features but as an SE I'd put a refer to it from my section front, letting readers know that one of their familiar sports voices has some personal news to share.
  8. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    That's probably the right play.
  9. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    I know there is a sports television cameraman in the United States who went through a similar situation. I can't remember where she is based or who she works for, but I do remember hearing the story about how she was born male and is transsexual.

    As for the other discussion, I would have put the story in sports. Since Penner is a 20-year-guy, I'm betting there is some familiarity with him from the readership. And, since many of your sports readers may not look at the features section, it's the smartest fit to me.
  10. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

    Just two things:
    Why is Mike changing the last name as well? I wonder where "Daniels" comes from.

    The other is a nitpick: "transitioning" as a verb. Right up there with "audiblizing".

    I believe there was another writer/book editor a few years ago. Chris Bahr? (from Christopher to Christine, I guess) who went through the same thing.
  11. Then. Don't. Fucking. Read. It.

    Peter King's colonoscopy didn't have a place in MMQB, but it was there. Who cares. Just move on and read what you want. In case you didn't notice, the paper isn't tailored specifically to what YOU want to read.
  12. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    God, you people are alleged journalists, and nobody comes up with this as the headline?

    The New Adventures of New Christine
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