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Sports reporter to undergo sex change

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Mr. X, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    She seems happy. Good for her.
  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Guarantees are dangerous, of course.

    My opinion is it will never happen. It's not the kind of life-altering thing you do on a whim and then get "tired" of.
  3. Whitlock's locked but this one goes merrily on?
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    That's because this is the happy thread. Happy Happy Happy.

    We're all happy because she's happy. And he's happy. We're all happy....
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member



    Take a swig.
  6. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I just did -- now I'm happy too......happy, happy, happy....... ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. ZoeB

    ZoeB Member

    And in other news, about Susan Stanton...

    "It's an abomination, and a bad role model for young people. It
    confuses them," said the Rev. Ron Sanders, pastor of Lighthouse
    Baptist Church, who said he feared Largo could face punishment of
    biblical proportions if the city kept Stanton in office.

    Sanders, who believes Hurricane Katrina and the Sept. 11 terrorist
    attacks were "wake-up calls from God," said he will pray for
    Sarasotans if Stanton is chosen.

    "I would be a little worried about them," he said.

    Some people can't be reached.

    And nutgraph - How likely is it that you would suddenly want a "sex change" to the opposite gender? So why should Christine "change back" to the wrong one? Especially when she knows better than you just how badly that feels?
  8. nutgraph

    nutgraph New Member


    just throwing it out there. so, you're saying that transgenders never switch back?
  9. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    To try and make that comparison is a little absurd. This Christine person was born a man and was obviously confused about it.
  10. ZoeB

    ZoeB Member

    Less than 2% do, yes. That's why you have the "Real Life Test", living successfully in the target gender for at least a year before surgery.

    Many of those <2% go back yet again, they only switch back when partners threaten suicide or similar situations happen. Some make several unsuccessful attempts to transition before they succeed, they often find that going from a $140,000/year job to living under a bridge to be too difficult to cope with. Though I know a few of the more good looking gals who went from being corporate executives to being escorts rather than de-transitioning. They made more money that way too.

    Now rather more - about 3% - are less happy after "the op" than before. The majority of those are people who have had poor surgical results. Compartment syndrome, with a probability of never being able to walk again unaided, is always a risk. You can end up with a terrible mess if you have the wrong surgeon, or are just plain unlucky.

    My result was not so good. I should be out of pain, the nerves regrown, in at most 2 more years. The diathermy treatments I'm having, which cause full-thickness burns to hopefully cause the tissues to heal properly afterwards, will be over by the end of the year. C'est la vie, and I have no regrets - other than being a drawer of a short straw, these things happen. The OB/GYN I'm going to deals with similar problems all the time, it happens sometimes after surgical reconstruction due to difficult pregnancies.

    Others though have far, far worse problems. It's a risk you take. That's why some never have "the op", apart from the cost, it's not risk-free.

    Also, a lot of people have, to put it bluntly, been driven bonkers by the unending misery, decade after decade. Some think Transition will solve all their problems, and of course it doesn't, in fact, it creates bucketloads more of them! A fair number who have had treatment - possibly 5%? - suicide afterwards. This is terribly high, except in comparison with those who do not get treatment, where it's more like 50% over a 50 year lifespan.

    But very few de-transition permanently. Almost none. Those that do have usually been misdiagnosed, and often have not completed any "real life test".
  11. ZoeB

    ZoeB Member

    How do you know?

    For that matter, how do you know that you are a guy (I don't dispute that fact by the way). I mean how do you know you are a guy? If you had gynecamastia and a 46D cup, as some genetic males do, would you be less male? I think not. Gender is in your head, and no amount of meddling with the body will change that. If by some horrible mixup at a hospital you had a penectomy and bilateral orchidectomy, you would still be a guy.

    Christine is a Woman. She knows that as certainly as you know you're a Man. If she was confused - as who wouldn't be if the body doesn't match - then that confusion ended when she started transition.

    Zagoshe, you make absolutist statements without adducing any evidence. "It's common sense" is a very useful argument, true most of the time. But it's common sense that the Earth is Flat. When confronted with evidence showing that "common sense" is only an approximation, it would be more rational to look at the evidence pro and con, not just blindly deny it "just because".

    Most people are male, with 46xy chromosomes and male pattern bodies, or female with 46xx chromosomes and female pattern bodies. But the Earth is actually not flat if you look at a large enough area, and the International Olympic Committee was unable to determine a scientifically valid objective definition of "male" and "female", as any sports reporter should know.

    Why don't you?
  12. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    How do you know for sure that Christine isn't just confused?
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