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Sports reporter to undergo sex change

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Mr. X, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. joe king

    joe king Active Member

    Actually, it was Art Fern of the Tea Time Movie, not Carnac.[analeditor]

    A couple of thoughts on this subject and the various tangential stuff springing from it.

    1. Based on my experience, I'd have to say the vast majority of readers don't read bylines and couldn't care less who wrote the story they're reading.

    2. While not a proponent of blondebomber's bombastic style, he might be right here. This might have been a better fit for the front of the Lifestyle section.

    3. Loved Randy Harvey's reaction.
  2. joe king

    joe king Active Member

    I wonder how much, if any, of this insurance would cover. It might be considered an elective procedure.
  3. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    Good for Mike/Christine, and good for having the courage to talk about it in a public forum, despite what some on here who are less enlightened might think about it.
    Just curious: does the Times' health insurance plan cover something like this?? Wow.
  4. casty33

    casty33 Active Member

    Sorry, blondebomber, as a longtime newspaperman and an occasional reader of the LA Times, I was interested in the story and feel it was where it belonged. Mike Penner's byline appeared in the paper for 20 years, there are some readers who would like to know what happened to him. Now they know. No more needs to be said or written about it in sports.

    And, as others have said, if you don't give a whit about it, read something else.
  5. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member


    This is one column I'm happy I'll never ever have to write.

    As far as where it belongs in the paper, if Penner was announcing that he had cancer, or some other disease, no one would think anything of it being in the sports section. These types of columns are commonplace. So why not this?

    Best of luck. It sounds as if he has a very supportive group of co-workers. I do not know Mike Penner, but it sounds as if he must be a good guy to work with, and now that karma is being repaid.

    A good column makes you put yourself in the writer's shoes. This did, for me. Any male who says he read this and didn't wonder, "What would I do in the same situation?"' or, "Wow, I hope he knows what he's in for." is probably lying.
  6. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Wow. As a SoCal native who grew up with the L.A. Times every morning and havng read Mike for numerous years, this, obviously, is a stunner. I don't have a big problem with the story in the sports section. This isn't a first-year preps writer. Mike is an established, high-profile writer with that section. Good for him/her. And it's my understanding Mike and Lisa do not have children.
  7. blueview

    blueview Member

    This is a courageous move on Mike Penner's part.

    Now here's the thing. People in the industry get face lifts, nose jobs, breast implants, or (insert cosmetic surgery here) or older men and women go through hormone treatments or take medicine for erectile dysfunction or (insert medical treatment for the aging here).

    A sex change is on a totally different level than the aforementioned medical treatments. However, it takes quite the personal fortitude to admit that such a procedure is taking place. I wish the best to Mike.
  8. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Its #1 on the most viewed stories on the LA Times web site right now.
    Its #1 on the most e-mailed stories on the LA Times web site right now.
  9. MonitorLizard

    MonitorLizard Member

    Maybe Christine Daniels' morning briefing will be funnier than Mike Penner's. One can dream...
  10. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    It's different, I'll grant you that...

    But why not go in sports?

    Now, if he wrote a series on the transformation and surgery, yeah, lifestyle or health... But I dont have a problem with this..
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    L.A. Observed says the story was on Page 2 of the sports section and there were no refers anywhere else in the section to it. Not from A section, not from the sports front.
  12. audreyld

    audreyld Guest

    I think, as a column, it makes great sense to have it in sports, where his byline has been found for so long.

    That said, it also presented an opportunity for a really nice feature on the topic in another section of the paper, something to give it a more thorough, informational treatment.
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