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Sports reporter wanted to cover Va.Tech

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by gravehunter, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Thanks for those numbers, and very good point about the Kickers.

    I think one high school person dedicated to high school is too little in the Richmond area. Not that anything can be done about it with the current staffing situation, but it is too little. The TD does seem to get 4-5 games with writers each Friday night, though. I don't want to give the impression that stuff is not getting covered.
  2. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Well, they've already released the initial realignment plan for the next two-year period, and there's no change to the Richmond districts. But that's still more than a year away from the finished product. It makes sense on the surface, and I think there was talk of doing that in the Northern Region.

    One complicating factor is that the Richmond school board wants the five city schools in their own district since they're smaller than the suburban schools and would be more competitive. Odd thing is, they oppose dropping down to Group AA, which is where they'd belong looking only at school population. Having a fifth district in the Central Region would be a mess, and making the other districts go up to 10 or more schools to accommodate the city district wouldn't fly either. Plus they'd still have the same problem with competitiveness once they got to the region playoffs.
  3. Hoos3725

    Hoos3725 Member

    Yeah, we are getting pretty off topic here. But yes, I do think the idea has a chance to be implemented. The ADs seem to like it, the city schools like it (reviving it was actually their idea), and it's the only idea without a glaring flaw.

    As for the most recent redistricting plan, the Central Region didn't plan to have anything ready by then. So they want to have a plan ready by the next meeting in Feb. The city schools sprung all their complaints in October, which made it a little late to get anything changed by the November meeting.
  4. Versatile

    Versatile Active Member

    Many pulled for Dale Jr. until it was clear that he was not good. Many hated Jimmie Johnson but he wouldn't stop winning.

    Dale Sr.'s death spurred a big growth for NASCAR, for better or worse. Those two developments left many fans jaded in the decade since.
  5. I'm a little late to the party here, but Hoos is right. H-S draws some huge D3 numbers for football. They were second in the country for attendance this fall at just over 7k.

  6. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    That's what happens when there aren't any women around.
  7. Karl Hungus

    Karl Hungus Member

    So as far as the topic/area is concerned, Blacksburg can be a touch pricey on housing. Some have suggested the commute from the Roanoke Valley, which may not be ideal for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that traveling South to Blacksburg on I-81 is tricky during the afternoon, every day, due to construction that has been going on since the fall.

    Christiansburg is a viable option for housing. Less expensive, nice town, no college students, and right next to Blacksburg and the interstate for travel purposes. Definitely a solid option.
  8. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Agree. When I was considering a move there, Christiansburg was at the top of my list. Ten minutes to VT and, as you noted, closer to I-81.
  9. They find a Jack for this?
  10. Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider Member

    Heard this one has moved to the phone interview stage.
  11. Hoos3725

    Hoos3725 Member

    There are some very big dogs in the running.
  12. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Gotta be close to a hire here, right?
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