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Sports writers and drinking

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Your Huckleberry, Sep 7, 2007.


As a sports writer do you consume alcohol and on what basis

  1. yes, regulary

    68 vote(s)
  2. not a lot but sometimes

    44 vote(s)
  3. like a fish

    14 vote(s)
  4. seldom

    38 vote(s)
  5. never

    27 vote(s)
  6. I think i need a drink before I answer this poll

    9 vote(s)
  1. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    When I covered baseball and wrote for a PM paper, most nights I'd have a cocktail waiting for me when I got back up to the press box from the clubhouse. I didn't touch it until I was about halfway through my story. Then I'd go for it, figuring I could finish the story well before any sort of buzz started.
    But we went out afterward most nights. My second year on the beat, as I was feeling more and more comfortable on the job and on the road, I remember thinking back that from the start of spring training in February until midseason in June or July, I couldn't remember one night when I didn't have at least one cocktail or beer and most nights it was more than that, especially on the road.
    Obviously, I've tapered off considerably. My consumption now is maybe a beer, some wine or a margarita on days off. But I do cut loose a bit on vacation and on a yearly reunion I have with a few high school friends.
  2. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    We go out as a group Saturday nights. They're always shit-ass crazy, and, well, you need a drink and the prospect of picking up some girl afterwards.
  3. Mira

    Mira Member

    A couple years ago I decided to expense drinks after I was on a road trip with a counterpart, who convinced me there was nothing wrong with it. I never expense more than two beers or wine on a tab. But I don't do it very often or on every trip. The higher-ups see my expenses, they know what's on there.

    I never drink during an event (I cover college hoops), and would never touch a drink if I have to write on a given day or night. If I get to a site one day early or am at a tournament for a span of days, I think it's fine.

    As long as you aren't stupid, there's nothing wrong with it (IMO).
  4. Igor in CT

    Igor in CT Member

    42 years old this past Wednesday ... and 21 years sober.
  5. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    At my last job, I drank A LOT more than I do now. Several different reasons. We had an early deadline Wednesdays, and used to go out for drinks and poker afterward for a few hours. And almost always on Saturdays and Sundays. Then normally a couple a night during the week.

    Now, I can't imagine drinking that much again. I feel so much better in the mornings. I jut have a beer every now and then, rarely even keep it in the house anymore.

    Of course, my mother-in-law works in sales for a bourbon company so I can get that whenever I want!

    I wasn't anywhere close to an intervention or anything, but it was probably more than I should have.

    But after working until 1 or 2 in the morning, I needed something to wind down with, and beer was readily available.
  6. sports writers drink???
  7. Barsuk

    Barsuk Active Member

    Wow. When I voted, I really expected to see a lonesome "1" next to "never." I'm pleasantly surprised I'm not the only teetotaler here. Not morally or otherwise averse to drinking, just realized long ago I couldn't do it responsibly. All or nothing, I chose nothing. Thank goodness.
  8. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    As I've gotten older, I've had to calm down a lot. I've realized that if I drink too much or stay up too late, it sticks with me for a couple of days. I feel like utter shit. So I can't really drink if I've got something to do the next morning, especially before noon.

    I don't bounce back as well as I did in my 20s.

    I can still have my nights -- probably still too many for a guy in his 30s -- but I have to space them out well.
  9. Sandman

    Sandman Member

    As recently as 2005, I was in an NFL press box that offered cans of beer to writers still in the press box after the game. Having only been in a couple NFL press boxes, I'm not sure if that's common practice -- but it sure seemed odd.

    Not odd enough that I didn't guzzle some Bud Light, mind you, but odd nonetheless.
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I stopped drinking when my wife got pregnant with our first child... I drank a lot on the road in my early 20s, but calmed down considerably when I was about 26. I just kind of lost interest, in part because I saw all of the alcoholism in this business and I never wanted to become that. I used to work with a columnist who would get mad at me if I ordered a diet coke after a game. It actually got to the point that I would go to the bar, order a diet coke and have them put it in a small glass with a stirring straw just so I wouldn't have to deal with the columnist. Granted, this was very early in my career when I would humor people more than I would now...

    One guy I worked with at my first job drank himself to death. Pretty well-known writer too... Officially, they might have said it was something else, but he told more than a few people that it was his liver... I've worked with several others who have gotten DUIs...

    I've probably had three drinks in the past year, usually a toast at a wedding or something like that.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I've seen writers within the last 4-5 years walk out of a NASCAR press box with cases of beer in their hands... I don't cover racing enough to know if this is commonplace, but a lot of writers, were doing it... I know it's commonplace with cigarettes. I think every race I've ever covered (probably 15 total) has had cigarettes available to anyone who wanted them...
  12. PeteyPirate

    PeteyPirate Guest

    I got out of sportswriting a couple of years ago, and since then I don't drink anymore ... or any less.
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